Bonus chapter 0.2

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Just....don't forget your holy water.

Alexia's POV.

''Wake up.'' Kayden said hoarsely from above me, starting to leave kisses all over my face. ''Don't you have to go to work?.''

I shook my head without opening my eyes, rolling on my back to avoid him but he wasn't having it.

He started to suck on my neck and I groaned as I opened my eyes groggily. ''Kayden, leave me alone.''

He grinned lazily at me and I stared up at him with a smile as I reached up to cup his cheek. ''Good morning.''

He dropped his head to kiss me but I stopped him with a hand over my mouth and his eyes went back and forth between mine as he cocked his head.

''What are you doing?.'' He asked and I shrugged.

''Morning breath.''

He rolled his eyes. ''Yeah and I'm a dragon.''

''What does that even mean?.'' I laughed.

''I thought we were saying things that weren't true.''

I pushed him off me lightly and he groaned as he turned on his side to watch me walk into the bathroom.

''Should I join you?.'' He called from behind me and I slammed the door in response with a smile on my face.

I hummed to myself as I stared at my reflection in the mirror and started to brush my teeth. The door opened behind me and I met Kayden's eyes through the mirror when he came to a stop next to me.

We both brushed our teeth in silence and rinsed our mouths and he swiftly turned me to face him the moment I dropped my toothbrush.

''Now can I get a kiss?.'' He asked, pulling me to his chest and I circled my arms around his neck as I hummed teasingly.

''Should I or should I not?.'' I pouted innocently and he smirked as his hand crept lower to rest on my ass.

''Why don't I make that easier for you?.'' He said shortly before pressing his lips against mine.

He kissed me hungrily, squeezing my ass as I tilted my head for better access. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip before biting down on it, my lips parted and he slid his tongue into my mouth, letting it rub against mine.

We pulled apart and he picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he smiled at me as he cupped my ass in his hands.

The fact that the only thing I had on was his shirt and just panties underneath wasn't helping.

''How was that for a good morning kiss?.'' He asked as he walked us back to the bedroom.

He sat down, his back to the headboard with me straddling him and I pretended to think.

''Meh'' I shrugged and he raised an eyebrow at me.

''Meh?.'' He repeated. ''I'll show you 'meh'.''

He started to unbutton my shirt then reached halfway and tore it off me, leaving me topless. I gasped and he reached up to cup the back of my neck as he claimed my lips once more.

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