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Kayden's POV

She looked so.. broken and I fought the urge to rush out the door and hunt down her mother and her fucking boyfriend.

This was so fucked up.

She shook her head when I tried to pull her into my arms.

"And when they were leaving, s-she might have insinuated that she wasn't my mother." Alexia said, running a hand down her face tiredly.

I pulled her hands away from her face and she stared at me with glossy eyes.

"That doesn't excuse the things she did to you, but I'd be so glad if that were the case." I said, letting out a sigh of relief when she finally let me pull her close.

That woman doesn't even deserve to be one.

I pulled her to sit on my lap, wrapping my hands around her as she placed her head on my chest.

"I know." She mumbled. "It's just a shocker, if I'm being honest. Even when she was being so cruel to me, I never even considered the fact that she might not be my actual mum, you know?"

I nodded in understanding. "But... don't you think we should go to the police?"

"Why?" She asked, looking up at me and I also stared down at her.

Is she fucking serious right now?

"Wait, you wanna let her get away with this?" I asked in disbelief.

"I don't wanna go to the police."


"Kayden, please." She cut in. "It's much more complicated than that. I'm not 18 yet, I don't want to fucking go into care. That's even worse."

"It's just-" I sighed. "Fine. We'll figure things out."

I furrowed my brows when she crawled out of my laps with a frown on her face.

"What?" I asked pointedly.

"What what?" She responded without looking at me.

"Seriously?" I asked, running a hand through my hair.

"Can you not?"

"Okay-why are you all the way over there?" I asked, inching closer to her.

"Because I want to?''

"Are you sure?" I asked lowly as I crawled towards her and placed my hands on both sides of her caging her underneath me.

She froze as she stared at me and I swallowed when I saw her eyes drop to my lips.

"W-what are you doing?" She whispered, her eyes still on my lips.

"I don't know." I replied honestly. "What do you want me to do?"

I groaned when she bit her lip.

"Don't do that. Fuck." I cursed. This wasn't the right time to be all horny, damn it.

"Do what?" She asked, doing it again.

"This." I replied, using my thumb to free her bottom lip from her teeth. Her breath hitched when I rubbed her lips with my thumb pad.

"Kayden." She whispered.

"Yeah?" I breathed out.

"Kiss me."

I searched her face. "Are you sure?"

She nodded in response.

I pressed my lips against hers, kissing her like my life depended on it.

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