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Alexia's POV

I moved closer to them and as expected, Connor and Austin were glaring at each other with Kayden standing between them, both arms outstretched.

"You asshole, if you hurt her, I swear- I'm going to kill you." Connor gritted out. He then shoved through the students clustered together.

Austin had a smirk on his face and I felt uneasy at the sight of it.

"What the hell, Austin?" Kayden said, shoving Austin.

"What? Just wanted to have a little fun. Chill." Austin replied, squeezing Kayden's shoulder, also walking off in the opposite direction.

Kathryn came out at that moment and stared at all of us curiously. Kayden sighed and pulled her after him. The students slowly dispersed and I stood in the hallway wondering where the heck Luke and Liv were.

I decided to walk to class alone and I headed for class. I was a little late and I apologized to the teacher before sliding into my seat.

Luke and Liv weren't in class and I cocked my head thoughtfully. I don't know about Liv but I don't think Luke has it in him to skip class.

And just like they all planned it, Kayden, Kathryn, Connor, Austin, Luke and Liv came in at the same time and Miss Cole raised an inquiring brow.

"And why are y'all just coming to class?" She asked with a frown.

"We got called to the principal's office." Kayden replied, clearing his throat.

"All of you?"

They all shared a glance before replying in unison. "Yes ma'am."

Miss Cole eyed them warily before waving them off.

Luke and Liv sat next to me and Kayden sat next to his friends.

"Is he telling the truth?" I whispered.

They both turned red and I got the answer I needed.

Minutes later, we were sitting in the cafeteria and I was still staring at Luke and Liv suspiciously. They hadn't been able to meet my eyes since we left class and it was making me suspicious as hell.

"Okay, you guys spill." I said, folding my arms and leaning towards them.

"W-what?" Luke stuttered.

"Yeah, uhm what?" Liv echoed, forcing a chuckle.

"You've obviously got something to say, so just say it." I replied, arching my eyebrow.

"Not really." Liv shrugged, glaring pointedly at Luke.

"You didn't kill someone, did you?" I snorted.

"Very funny." Liv rolled her eyes.

"You guys weren't really at the principal's office, right?" I smiled knowingly.

"O-of course not, I didn't even know what Kayden was talking about. We just went along with it. " Luke shrugged, throwing some fries into his mouth.

"I figured." I nodded.

"So...have you guys started sending out your college applications?" Liv asked, changing topics as she glanced back and forth between Luke and I. I allowed it, obviously they didn't want to talk about it.

"Sure." We replied in unison.

"Where did you guys pick?" She asked eagerly.

"Yale, Columbia university and few local ones here and there." Luke answered.

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