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Kayden's POV

I glanced at her as I drove silently. I was surprised when she didn't protest or anything- I was literally prepared to throw her over my shoulder in case she refused.

She was twiddling her thumbs and staring out the window. I saw her head start to turn and I immediately looked away, clearing my throat in the process.

"So...where exactly are we going?" She asked, staring at me curiously.


Good question.

I had no idea.

Immediately I saw her with that.. jerk, I just wanted to get her away from him as fast as I could.

"Uh..for a drive, I guess? Or do you have any place in mind?" I asked, glancing at her and returning my gaze back to the road.

She stared at the dashboard thoughtfully and I waited patiently before she snapped her fingers and her face lit up.

"I haven't been to an amusement park before."

"An amusement park?" I echoed.

"Yeah.." She replied, trailing off hesitantly. "But it's fine if you can't-"

"Sure, why not." I shrugged.

"Seriously?" She asked in disbelief, smiling widely and placing her hand on mine.

And in that moment I thought...

I'd do anything in the world to see that smile on her face everyday.


I'm so fucked.


An hour later

"Oh my god, that was amazing!" Alexia squealed as she jumped around me in circles.

I held back the urge to puke all over and I shook my head faintly as a wave of nausea washed over me.

"Let's go on that ride again!" She said, pulling me after her but I didn't move an inch.

"Fuck no, I'm never getting on that thing again. Ever." I said as I freed myself from her and intertwined our fingers instead.

She had an amused look on her face, then her expression changed when she took in our hands and to my surprise, she squeezed my hand and skipped alongside me.

That's right.

She fucking skipped.

If an amusement park is what it takes for me to see this side of her often, then it looks like we'd be coming here a lot more.

We stopped in front of a man in a stall and she asked me to win her a teddy bear. All I had to do was hit the target three times.


I'm not the captain for nothing.

Three minutes later

"Kayden, all you have to do is hit the freaking target. I mean, it's right in front of you!" She said, running a hand through her hair in frustration.

I had had ten tries now and i still couldn't hit the damn target.

I eyed the man suspiciously and he gave me a bored look.

Okay Kayden, you've got this.

"It's fine if you can't hit it, can we go already?" Alexia said, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Nah it's fine, I got you babe." I winked and repositioned myself. Taking a deep breath, I fired and at last the damn thing tipped over.


"Here you go, ma'am." The man behind the counter said, handing Alexia the teddy bear.

"Ma'am." She snorted.

"You have something to say to me?" I asked, smiling down at her.

"Nope." She replied, popping the 'p' and walking off.

I shook my head with a faint smile on my face as I shoved my hands in my pocket and trailed after her.


She sat across from me and sucked on her straw absentmindedly. I stared at her while her gaze was focused on the children playing on the swings.

The wind blew through her hair and she shoved it away from her face in an irritated manner. I chuckled faintly.

I stared at the way she was biting her lips distractedly and I found my gaze lingering on them.

She suddenly turned to face me and I blinked rapidly as I choked on my saliva, bending over in the process.

"Are you okay?" She asked in concern, placing her hand on my back.

Her touch felt hot against my back and I got to my feet quickly.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, let's get going." I said, stretching out a hand to help her to her feet.

She placed her hand in mine and I tried to let go of her hand but she held on to it and gave me a small smile.

Holy fuck.

I felt like laughing like a maniac.

Was she getting comfortable around me?

God yes!

I stopped myself from smiling so hard and just settled for looking down as we walked to the car.

It was around 6pm already and as we got into the car, I started the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot. I turned on music and  tapped my fingers on the steering wheel along to the beat.

"You listen to Ariana?" She asked, glancing at me.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" I asked, meeting her gaze.

"Nothing. You just don't strike me as the type of person to fuck with her music.'' She shrugged.

"Thou shalt not judge." I said, making a face at her. "That's Bible, Alexia."

"Whatever." She chuckled, playing with the teddy bear's paws.

"So, are you going home or I'm dropping you at Liv's place?" I asked, glancing at the rearview mirror as I switched lanes.

She looked like she was deep in thought before taking a deep breath.

"Just drop me off in my neighborhood. I'll walk home." She answered, looking out the window.

"Why would I do that?"

"Do what?"

"What would it take me to just drop you in front of your house?"

"You don't know the kind of neighborhood I live in. It's getting dark and it's not safe to drive a car as flashy as yours around there, so just listen to me." She replied, looking at me with pleading eyes.

I decided to play along even though I had a feeling something wasn't right.

"Aww, she cares about my safety."

She looked relieved for a second and then scoffed at me.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." She hummed.

I chuckled as I shook my head.


I could get used to this.

Hey guys, this is just like a filler chapter kinda, idk, thanks to all those who are giving this book a chance..I appreciate.

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