Chapter 37

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Hannah's Point of View

The next weeks went by in a blur. They were filled with tons of drawing, sketching, painting, tons, and tons of painting, along with more painting and designing.

After the first day that I showed up at the art cafe, I didnt expect to hit it off with the women as fast as I have. They told me all about their lives and why they started the group, and I told them some reasons on why I was there and basically everything about Al, and about our relationship. They weren't on Jules's level of knowledge about me, but I would say they were second definitely. I and the women were everywhere working on the hotel. My house, the library, the art cafe, their houses, even the movies sometimes. Everywhere I went I was either working by myself on the hotel or working with them on the hotel. They agreed instantly to help me with it. I also learned that Monica Junior had been married to her husband, Charles Junior for 30 years,31 on January 15th. They also had Linda at a young age. Monica A, Celine, and jasmine were also married, but not as long. Monica Anderson is married to her husband Darrel Anderson, for 25 Five years this year and her daughters are Victoria and Ruby, twins, and both 27. Celine Adler is not married but is divorced and proud, and Jasmine Carter is also not married, the 63-year-old woman is dating a man named Joshua. She speaks of him so proud and passionate, their relationship is so cute. And Ivy Beatrice, she doesn't talk much, she kind of just sits in the corner most of the time, so I don't know anything about her.

Jules had to stay in L. A longer than expected, which was awful, but after some comfort, I was able to deal with it. She said they had made her stay longer because they gave her an extra case and first she was just going to say no and come home, because well she can, that's her own company, but she agreed to it because it would mean justice for the victim.

I had barely received any calls from Al, but I didnt really expect him to. We were both extremely busy.

As I was about to walk out of our house to my regular meeting with my art girls, my phone started ringing in my pocket. I stopped walking and set my bag down on the counter and picked it up. I looked down and saw it wasn't Al, sadly, but it was Jules, which was still great.

''HEY BITCHHHH' she said way too loud for it to only be 10 in the morning. I wasn't really a morning person, at all. I absolutely hated morning actually, but ever since Al left, about a month ago or more now, I couldn't sleep and would just eventually wake up early and couldn't go to sleep. Call me clingy, oh well.

"Jules we talked about this, inside voice unless it and emergency"

"Sorry sorry, you know how I get, and this is an emergency, well more like a celebration"

"Really? Carry on"

"Ok guess what? I Can home this week. It might not be today or tomorrow, they still haven't decided, but I can for sure come home this week."

"Oh my God, YESS, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, FINALLY, THERES SO MANY PEOPLE YOU HAVE TO MEET," I said, this time now me being the loud one. What can I say, I missed my best friend like hell. Even with my new ones, she still is one of my favorite people.

"I know me too, I'm so glad you made friends, see you're already growing, and speaking of growing, how is my daughter doing"

"Jules, come on we don't even know the gender, and this is too complicated to be excited over and joking about"

"I know I'm sorry, I'm just so happy. What have you been eating? You haven't been drinking, have you? Have you had hot chips or any type of spicy food? I heard that can really mess with the baby, especially at this early. And what about moving around? I know you're working on the hotel design which is extremely proud of you for but I a...."

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