Chapter 23

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Three days have passed since Hannah agreed to be my girlfriend and I was a mixture of extremely excited and nervous.

Just looking at me you could tell I wasn't boyfriend material. I didn't know the first thing about being a good boyfriend. But as cliche as it sounds, Hannah makes me want to learn. And the way she makes me feel, I'm more than happy to.

"It had to be the maids day off didn't it?" I grumble, frustratingly.

I had convinced Hannah to come by and now I reliazed that probably wasn't a good idea. She'd never seen my house before. The house we used before was a safety house. I brought all of my one night stands there. Not one woman had stepped inside of this house and Hannah coming today had me scattering around like a chicken with it's head but off.

I manage to clean everything well enough before she comes. I wipe my forehead as I step in the kitchen with a sigh, "Fuck. Now I have to learn how to cook. Great going, Michael."

That was another thing I was freaking out about. To convince Hannah to come, I told her I would cook for her. Food was one of Hannah's weaknesses and I knew if I didn't mention that she would have probably rejected within the blink of an eye.

I open the cabinets and refrigerator, in search of something to make and see it is only actual ingredients. Meaning I would actually have to make a meal. By myself. Fucking awesome.

I take out options and set them on the counter. As I turn the faucet on my phone begins ringing. I frown and pick it up.


"Good evening sir. There is a women looking for you. Would you like me to send her up?" My driver asks

"What do they look like?"

"Long brown hair is covered with a black hoodie. Long black dress, matching sneakers. A blue purse hung around their shoulder and they appear to be about five-foot-s-"

"Send her up." I respond and hang up, instantly knowing it is Hannah based on how he described what she was wearing.

Minutes later there is a knock on my door and I smile.

"Babe?" She says as I walk to the door.

I love when she calls me that. Makes me all giddy and shit.

I open the door and wrap my arms around her, lifting her up and twirling her around in my arms happily, "There she is!"

She giggles as I put her down before she can yell at me for picking her up. "Hi." She greets as I shut the door. "So what are you making?" She asks, following me in the living room.

Hannah places her purse on the counter and I face her with a frown. "Slow down lady. I didn't even give you a tour yet."

Her facial expression turns to one of confusion as she glances around. "So if this is your house, then who's house did we, you know?" Her mouth goes agape and after closing it, she crinkles her nose in disgust. "Did we have sex in someone else's house, Michael?" She asks, gagging and pretending to puke.

I laugh and shake my head, "We did not have sex in someone else's house, Hannah. That was a safe house."

She holds her heart and breathes a sigh of relief, "Oh thank goodness
So this is your house?"


She smiles and hits my arm lightly, "Than let the tour begin."

"Right this way ma'am." I respond, taking her hand and leading her down the hall. The first room is my bedroom.

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