Chapter 5

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It has been two weeks since I have started working at Capone Industries, and I was already in need of a break. Mostly stressing over brick. I believe he either just forgot who I was and left the lingerie on the sidewalk or is remembering who I am and still left the lingerie. Pushing my paranoia away, I thought about what today was. My off day.

Yes, he only gives me one-off day every two weeks. But it was better than my previous job as a waitress. I never received any of days.

Ever since Jules dropped me off the first day, I haven't seen her. In the beginning I thought she was in trouble or something close to that, but then she started messaging me, saying she was at her parent's house or at the mall, or some lame excuse. I have an inkling she got bored with me and just didn't want to be my friend anymore, but I pushed that aside because maybe she wasn't lying, and I was just overthinking as usual.

My phone began ringing as I sat on the couch watching television. I glanced at the contact name and nearly fell off the couch. It was Jules.

"Guess what we're doing today?" She asked as soon as I answered.

"Where have you been Jules? I have been worried sick. Wanting to hang out and all I get are lame excuses. If you don't want to-"

She cuts me off before I could finish.

Seriously, what was it with people cutting me off?

"Hannah, look, I am extremely sorry and will tell you everything when we go out tonight.'' She explained, adding the last part quickly.

"What do you mean, going out? I'm not going anywhere tonight. It's my only off day and I choose to use it wisely."

"Oh, come on, live a little girl. I promise to tell you every detail. Please, I just feel like we need a night out. I know you need it working for the kind of boss you have. And I really miss you.''

Now I had to go. I mean, she was begging me, and Jules never begs for anything. Not that she had to, anyway. People were usually the ones begging her.

I shook my head and sighed. "Fine. Where are we going anyway?"

"Thank you girl. I love you so much. You're the best."

"I love you too. But where are we going? Is it like a club, a restaurant, what?" I asked and began walking to my room.

"I think we should go for that new club opening up. It seems really cool and everyone keeps talking about it."

" I have no clue what you're talking about but sure let's go there."

"Great! Sending the address now."

"Alright, sounds good. I'll see you there."

"Bye Hun, see you then."

I decided to take a quick shower first. When I got out, I didn't have many options and As I was looking through my closet, I only saw a bunch of hoodies and 'depressing shit' as Jules would say it. Soon becoming frustrated and a little hungry, I headed downstairs but stopped when I saw Jules' room.

I knew she liked to party, so there would be plenty of dresses in her closet. Slowly walking in, I spotted the closet and entered.

Wow, she has a whole walk-in closet, and I'm left with a few drawers and a rack.

Just as I was about to walk back out, I spotted a beautiful gray, sparkly dress. I usually wasn't one to wear these kinds of dresses or dresses at all, but geez, this one was absolutely stunning.

It didn't have any straps, stopped mid-thigh, and had a matching scarf. I also found the perfect gray shoes to go with it. The shoes also had a star that went around the back of your foot. It was perfect.

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