Chapter 24

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"Pull my sleeve down and just leave me alone." I said trying to hold back my tears. Right now all I wanted to do was run away.

"Michael just please let me go."


"Let me go."


I did the least expected and kicked him right in the balls. I tried to run out the door while he was hurting on the floor. But just as I was about to open it, he was there. So I ran to one of the bathrooms because it was the closest room. I closed the door and sat behind it.

"Michael just please let me go. You wouldn't understand. You have the whole world in your hands. Everything is just so perfect for you. You get any woman you want, you're literally a millionaire. And then look at me. I have a boyfriend who doesn't trust me and probably only with me because he feels so hopelessly sorry for m. I don't have my own place, barely able to keep a job and on top of that I was abandoned and bullied my whole life. "

I sigh deeply before continuing, "So yes, I cut myself. Because why the hell not. What do I actually have to live for anyway? I'm useless, Micheal."

I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't hold it in anymore. All the fake smiling, laughing, not anymore.

Micheal sat on the other side of the door silent for a while.

"Hannah." He finally spoke


"Open the door, please."

I open the door, but don'tget up. He sits down on the floor next to me and puts me in his lap.

"Give me your wrists."

I pull both of my sleeves up and let him get my arms. He starts to press small kisses on my scars.

"How could I be so stupid." He said, turning to me and leaning his head on mine gently.

"You don't know how beautiful you are to me. God, you're so fucking gorgeous. I am absolute shit at helping people. But if you could see yourself how everyone else sees you, you'd be obsessed."

"Okay, I'll stop."

"No I mean it, Hannah. I want you to actually stop because you have every reason to live. One day, when you're ready, I want you to tell me what happened to you. I'm not saying today or tomorrow or the next day hell not even next month. Whenever you're ready, alright?"

I nod before replying, "I will. Just give me time, Michael."

"Hannah promise me you'll stop."

"I promise."

"Pinky promise?"

"Yes, I pinky promise."


"But wait, what about you are you ever gonna tell me about yourself?"

"I will, that goes for both of us. Like you said, just give me time baby."

"Well this is not how I expected my first day over to go," I said after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah, but it's better now." He responds, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Alright, get me off this ground, my legs asleep, and my back hurts."

"Okay, come on old lady." He takes me off of him and stands up first.

"Hey, I am not old. I have had a very rough day as you can see."

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry about that, but you're still an old lady,"

He picks me up and smiles at the frown I give him.

"Put me down." I say, knowing he knew how much I hated being picked up.

"Hmm? How about no?"

"You're so annoying."

"You know you like it."

"I do not. Now put me down so I can go home."

"What do you mean? You're not going home."

"Then where am I going?"

"You're staying here, obviously."

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