Chapter 20

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"Alright, how do I look?"

"Like a diva." David replies,

"I'm serious. Do I look casual or like I'm trying too hard?"

"You look good. She's probably just going to be surprised you're not in a suit."

"What happened to that Chris guy?" I ask walking to my desk.

"Burger boy?"


"Oh, his girlfriend took everything and left. I don't know where he's at right now though."

"Good. Son of a bitch deserved it."

"Right, because he stole your girl who wasn't even your girl. What did you plan for the date?"

"You're going to have to wait because I'm not telling you unless she likes it."

He smiled and grabs his coat as he walks to the door. Speaking of that, "I have to go see Jules. Good luck with your date." He is about to walk out, but turns back around and shakes his head. "On second thought, I take it back. My luck is very precious and I will not be wasting it on your selfish ass." He finishes and walks out of my office.


"Where are we going?" Is the first question I ask when I get in Micheal's car.

I hated surprises as much as I hated ordering more ketchup. Jules learned the hard way. For my twentieth birthday, she tried to surprise with a birthday party. I found out about it and made sure no one showed up, lying like she said it was cancelled. She wasn't very happy with me about that for a while.

Micheal starts the car and begins driving. "You look gorgeous." He replies, ignoring my question.

Have you seen yourself?

I had only ever seen Brick in suits or tuxedos, but now he was wearing tan khaki pants, a navy blue tee shirt and regular Nikes. Wow he looked good in anything.

I smile. "You should wear normal clothes more often. It makes you look more approachable. You know, less intimidating."

"I'll take you up on that." He responds and glances at me before directing his attention back to the road.

"In that case, I also prefer you with nothing, but that's a different topic."

He only laughs at this and I smile. He definitely looked better smiling and laughing compared to the usual frown he always wore.

"Alright, it's a surprise." He says and I groan.

"Could you at least give me a hint?"


"Come on, I'm dying from curiosity over here Brick!"

"Fine, it involves shoes. That's the only hint you're getting."

"Getting snow cones?"


"Ice cream?"


"The mall?"


"Micheal there's literally like a hundred things you use shoes in. Can you tell me another hint, please?"

"Okay, you have to move."

"Dancing class?"


"Oops, looks like we're here." He stops the car. "Now turn around so I can blindfold you."

"Woah, Michael, if you wanted to be a little dirty with me, you could have just said that. I kind of prefer handcuffs instead though." I reply, letting him blindfold me.

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