Chapter 42

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″She's still asleep so keep it down. It's like she has the ears of an owl. Even in this big ass mansion, you would think it would help."I said grabbing my suit jacket and suitcase as I quietly slid out of our bedroom.

David was outside of the bedroom door waiting for me. It was 5 am and I needed to do whatever I could not to wake Hannah.

″Yeah well, hurry up, I'm tired. I'm going to sleep as soon as we get in that office.″

″Don't you always. And no, we're stopping at the Jewrley Store first, I need to pick the ring today. That's why we're up so early dumb ass."

″That quick?" he asked as we made it downstairs and out the front door.

″Yeah, I have money, and I'm me, what do you expect?″

″Whatever I'm going to sleep in the car then″

We were able to make it to the Jewelry store earlier than expected. Without having to hear David Babble the whole way there I was on a role.

″I'll be back" I said getting out of the car and closing the door. I was pretty sure he didn't hear me, but in case someone tried to kidnap him, he couldn't say I didnt tell him I was leaving.

I stepped inside the jewelry store and was not surprised it was only one retail merchant working. It was an elder woman. Probably in her late 70′s

″Hi, I'm sure you probably know me already, who doesn't, I'm here to pick up a 2.19 Carat Ruby Round Gemstone engagement ring"

″Yes of course dear. You sure do know a lot about rings." She said laughing and turning around to get the ring.

″Well if I'm paying this much for it, I need to know something about it. Gotta make it count right?″

″I suppose your right, Mr.Capone. She's a lucky lady."

″Trust me I'm the lucky one."

″That'll be 10.640" She ordered turning around and placing the box on the counter.

″God damn"

″Excuse me?"

″Nothing. Here you go, thank you for your service Maybell" I said dropping the money on the counter and walking out of the store.

″WAIT HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME?"I heard her shout from outside.

I smiled at that as I got in the car.


″Wake your ass up "I said to David, throwing an empty bottle at him across the seat. I wasn't in the limo, instead of one of my white BMW's, so he was sitting in the front seat.


″We're here" I said getting out of the car and grabbing my suitcase.

Capone Industries wasn't far from the Jewrely store, in fact, it was right across the street.

″God damn. Let me get my shit first asshole"

″Why does everyone call me an asshole? I'm a very kind man.″

″No, your the biggest asshole in this country and you know it."

″Your right Beckett. You're absolutely right. Which is why this asshole will be making you get a reservation for tonight" I ordered as he finally got out of the car, grabbing his jacket and catching up with me.

″Why the fuck would I do that?‴

″I'm gonna propose to Hannah tonight.″


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