Chapter 30

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I walked out of the theater and began walking outside. I was able to reach the beginning of the next street before I heard footsteps.

"Look, Jules, I'm thankful for you taking me out really, but-"

"Hannah, wait."

I stop walking and turn to see Al running towards me.

"Just wait and listen to me, Hannah. I'm begging you."

"What is there to talk about?"

"Please, Hannah, please,"

"Fine, talk."

"Can we go somewhere less open and not in the middle of the street?"

"Yeah, there's a small cafe down the street."

We walk in silence until we reach the cafe. Once we get inside, he grabbed a little table for us in the back and ordered a coffee.

"Do you want one?"

"No, thank you."

"Okay," he replied, sitting down.

"So you didn't fuck her?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

"No. Hell no."

"You guys have never fucked before?"

"Absolutely not. I hate her."


"So... are we back together?"

I looked up at him and laugh, "No. You have to work way harder than that."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, even if you didn't cheat, you lost my trust. That's something you need to have for a relationship to work in case you forgot. Right now I don't know if you'll forget about me the minute a nice piece of ass passes you. The pain I went through, Al. I thought I wasn't good enough. I need to know that you're serious about me. That you genuinely care about me. I need to know that I'm not just one of your toys. I need to know that I'm the only woman you think about and want to think about. I need to trust you again. You have to work for it. You have to prove it to me. You have to prove to me that this is real. But you also need to know that I won't wait forever. Time is precious, Al." I knew I was being hard on him, but what choice did I have. If he is wanted this to work as much as I do, he'll do whatever it takes to gain my trust back.


"Fuck, man, I need your help. I've got nothing, like absolutely nothing. Great, the minute I get close to getting her back I can't come up with anything."

"Just take her to dinner or something. Shoes, jewelry. You know, the usual." David responds.

"Hannah isn't the 'usual.' She's special."

"Oh shit." He stops eating the chip in his hand and looks at me, shocked. "You're falling for her. No, you already have. You fucking love her dude."

"This stays between me and you got it?" I stand up from the couch. "That is besides the point, anyway. I need your help. I'm not good at anything besides what I already do."

"Except one thing," David says, grinning.


"You know what."

"No, I actually don't."

''Oh yes you do."

When I finally catch on, I shake my head, "Hell no. Absolutely not."

Hooked On Your Love (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now