Chapter 17

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"Okay, all set."

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I really have to get going now, or I'll be even more later." I say, rushing them out of the house.

I was beyond late for the party. Which was mostly my fault. While one of the makeup artists was trying to apply mascara on me, for some reason I found it very ticklish. Then it began to hurt, so I rubbed my eye like an idiot. Moral of the story, never rub your eye in the middle of a makeup session.

When they are finally gone, I reach for my bag. My phone begins to ring just as I am about to walk out of the door.

I groan and answer it without looking at the contact name. "Who is it now and what do you want? I'm kind of in the middle of something."

I walk out of the house and lock it behind me. Jules wasn't here, so I had to take a cab to the party.

"Hannah, where are you?" A familiar voice asks, and I wince.

Why do you always do this to yourself, Hannah?


"Yeah, this is him."

"Oh, I'm so sorry I um didn't know it was you."

I think about him touching me again and smile. But the smile quickly fades as I remember he couldn't anymore. I had called the fuck buddies thing off it off on Wednesday. Everything was going so fast and it felt wrong.

I got tired of having to hide underneath his desk whenever someone walked in, sneaking around. It all just felt wrong. Luckily he didn't get upset about it, only told me it was fine and he understood which was a surprise to me.

After that day, it's been a little awkward and filled with tension. Occasional glances, flirty conversations, but I always check myself before it goes any further. I told myself I was protecting my heart, but my mind was only consumed with thoughts of him.

"It's fine. Where are you though?"

"I know I'm running late. It was a little accident with the makeup bu-"

"What happened? Are you hurt?"

"No, no, I'm fine. I'm just telling you, that's just why I'm late. But I'm getting in a cab right now, Mr. Capone."

"Hannah, you don't have to call me that. Besides, I've seen you n-"

"Okay, bye, sir!" I hang up before Micheal can continue, knowing what he is going to say.

I finally spot a taxi and after paying him, I get inside. It isn't long before we arrive.

"Woah," I say staring at one of Micheal's hotels. I had seen him working on it a few weeks ago, and that hard work paid off for sure. It was one of the most beautiful buildings I had ever seen.

As I step inside, I notice there are only fancy people, very different from what I am used to. They were all wearing expensive gowns and tuxedos, with even more expensive jewelry. I was looking mighty fancy myself compared to what I usually wore, so I didn't stand out thankfully. I know Jules will freak out when I show her my outfit later tonight.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to a blond haired man. "Excuse me, ma'am, do you have a reservation or room?"

"No, I am looking for Mr. Capone. I'm his assistant and I'm supposed to attend the party he is at."

"Right this way," he replies, walking down a hall and I follow behind closely. When we reach a door and he opens it, I gasp. A ballroom stood in front of me and to say I was shocked was an understatement.

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