Chapter 34

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Hannah's Point of View

After I found out I was pregnant and all that stuff,Jules had done what she said she was going to do and set up an appointment for me on Friday. The rest of the week I barely heard from brick but got a message saying he would be extremely busy and could talk much. I was sad a little but understood he needed this. So like a good girlfriend I said I understood and didn't bother him.

Now it was Friday and Jules and I was in the lobby getting ready to get lunch and catch a cab to the doctors.

"What do you want to eat?", she said ad we walked outside into the bright sun and busy streets, which didn't surprise me because California basically stays like this all year.

" um I don't know, let's just get a snack from the gas station over there," I said pointing to the little gas station less than a mile away

"Thank god, cause I really wanted one of those blueberry muffins, They the only ones closest to tasting like ms. betty's."

Just as I was about to reply to her my phone started vibrating in my pocket. When I checked the caller ID, it was brick, so I immediately got happy and answered the face time.

"Hey pumpkin, How ya been sorry I wasn't able to answer you call earlier, you know work and all gots me busy"

He said as we entered the store. There weren't many people, in fact, it was only me, Jules, and the half-drunk cashier.

"Hey,im good, just miss you, but otherwise I'm fine, how about you, what's going on over there?"

"Good news, Mickey said I c..."

"Wait who's mickey?"

"He is one of the owner's right now, the other one is his wife, Sarah"

"oh ok, carry on"

"What do you want Dottie?" Jules shouted from the back of the store while I waited at the counter,

"I'm not really hungry any...."


Brick and Jules both said before I could even finish my sentence. I didnt even know he was listening.

"Well god damn, before you both rudely interrupted me, I was going to say I'm not really hungry anymore for a muffin so get me a donut geesh."

"Oh, what kind of glazed?"

"You already know"

"anyway, carry on brick"

"Ok, Mickey said the hotel was mine b..."

"Oh my god, that's awesome, right? "

"No, I have to find someone to redecorate the whole thing, like the whole thing. Not the technology and building but the design. He said it has to be aesthetic, whatever the hell that means"

"Oh, well do you know anyone or found anyone?"

"No, that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I need you and David to go over to Capone Industries and look through my clients and maybe some of the workers there, I've worked with so many designers throughout the years, I'm sure to find someone"

"Wait but why cant David just do it? plus didnt he just gets out there to you?"

"Yeah he did, but I need you there one because you've been my assistant and you know how to access my files and check backgrounds, remember things you know. And second, I need you guys to control it until I'm back, I can't handle it right now with this going on"

"Yeah sure, I'll have Jules drop me off thereafter were done"

"Where are you guys going anywhere?"

I didn't want to tell him I was going to the doctor's to get rid of my unborn baby that he has no idea about. I knew I probably should have told him, but I couldn't deal with the heartbreak of him leaving me. This is what's best. I told myself or at least tried to, not with the other side of my brain telling me I was handling this all wrong.

"Um, we're just on our way to the movies, yeah the movies,errr. ee, I cant um hear you, the connection is lost, ill call you if I find something, love you bye" I said hanging up the phone before he saw right through me, and knew I was lying.

Then Jules paid for our stuff and we walked back outside. We had already called an uber to arrive where we were and she was right on time. I had to sneak out with Jules so that bricks guards wouldn't catch me and snitch to him.

Soon we got in the car. We didn't really speak much mostly because of me. Jules tried to distract me and make conversation but I shut it down. I didnt really feel like talking I was already nervous It's not like I had experienced this before. So of course I was going to be nervous. And it didnt makes it any better at how fast the driver drove. We made it to the appointment in less than ten minutes. I barely had enough time to prepare myself.

I paid the uber driver as we got out and entered the hospital. Since there weren't many people, which wasn't surprising it was Califonia, everyone hated hospitals. Me and Jules at the chairs in the waiting room and waited for them to call my name. After around thirty tantalizing minutes someone called us,

"Hannah Brown?"

"That's us"

I said standing up and dragging Jules with me,

"And this is?"

"Jules Carson, the one who made the appointment for me. She's my best friend and the only one here right now "

"Yes, of course, come on ladies,"

The Physician said. She was very tall. But anyone two inches higher than me was tall. I glanced at the name tag on her shirt and read Ms.Greene

Well, at least I know her name.

She led us to one of the rooms and seated us in the room. It had three regular chairs and a hospital bed right in the middle. Once we sat down, me on the bed and Jules on a chair she said,

"Okay, Hannah dear, please lay down on the bed and lift your shirt, so that I can get a full view of your stomach."

I did what she said and laid back on the bed lifting my stomach. She pulled out something that I didnt know the name of, but it kind of looked like gel. Then she started to rub it on my belly.

"Do you have any questions or concerns for me before we get started?"

"Um actually yeah, how far along am I?

"You are about two weeks, maybe not even that far, it cannot be all the way determined"

"As I thought, and can I see it?"


"The baby, I just want to get a look at him or her before they're gone you know. If I can I know that's not really how this works, actually, I don't have a clue how any of this works, I think it's called an ultrasound, or som...."

"Ms. Brown, its fine sweetie, many women have asked the same question. Of course, you can see" she said doing something I also didnt know. Soon she pulled out a mini size looking tv that was black and white.

"This is your belly, what is inside of your belly," she said pointing at the black and white on the screen.

"And inside of here, if you were to have the baby, at around 18 to 20 weeks you would be able to see the little fella. But right now there's only a tiny, speck, but you can still see if you look closely, here take a look"

I sat up and Jules walked over to the black and white. At first, I saw nothing, but when I looked closely like she said I saw a little ball appear.

"Aww," I and Jules both said at the same time.

"Alright ladies, It time to get started," she said moving it away. Just as she was about to place something else on my stomach,


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