Chapter 39

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*5 Months Later*

Al's Point of View

I was wrong. So so wrong. I can not keep up with these mood swings. Don't get me wrong I love her with all my heart, maybe even more with the pregnancy, it's just damn.

"Where are you going all dressed up, what one of your other hoes?"

"No baby I'm going to a party, the one I told you about a couple of weeks ago, for the hotel opening. But ill stay here if you want me to?"

"No why would you stay here dumbass? were both going"

"nu-uh you're not going"

"Why? I haven't been out of this stupid house in months"

"I know baby, but I just don't want you to fall and something happens to the baby, or you"

"Oh really? are you sure you just don't want to be seen with your fat girlfriend"

"Hell no, why would you say that? and there's no such thing as fat. Your sexy ass hell pregnant, if not sexier. I just really don't want you to get hurt, like I said ill stay if you want″

"If that's true, let me go to the party"






"Please baby, please, ill give you a treat when we come home"

"Fine, fine, you can go"

"Thank you Brick I love you so much, ill go get dressed″

Once she went into the room to change I dialed David's number.

"Aye bro, what's up, I'm in the middle of getting ready asshole"

"Yeah yeah whatever, its a slight change tonight, Hannah's coming"

"What? that's gonna ruin the whole fucking surprise."

"It's not like I'm gonna marry her or something, it's just a little surprise. And its nothing, at least the world gets to see my beautiful girlfriend right?"

"You know a couple of months ago only half the world knew who your ugly ass was, now what the whole world. Everyone already knew who she was man. Way back when yall were fucking on the down-low"

"Shut up, she wants to get out of the house, and I don't blame her. Shit if I was trapped in a house for 6 months id freak out. But while we're gone have movers and whatever brings our shit there. Monitor their ass. Don't let any of them touch shit at all. Pack it and ship it at the house, got it?"

"yeah yeah, hey man, is uh Jules gonna be there?"

"Yeah, and Hannah's other friends. Why? yall just broke up out of nowhere. One minute you were together the next you weren't. I don't know it seems like it's different than the first time you did. Yall are not calling each other names or anything. Are you for once being mature about this? Cause you guys seem fine about it. But it's not that hard to get over a dog."

"Fuck you. Just make sure yall are out of there in thirty minutes, they don't have all day and neither do I, bye‴ he said hanging up.

″Babe you almost ready?"



At the beginning of this pregnancy, it was cute. All about the baby's clothes, pictures, she was regular. But as soon as she hit 5 months it has been a world win. Every day when I come back from the office I don't know whether she is going to be sitting on the couch crying or about to throw something at me telling me to get the fuck out. But you have to love her right?

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