Chapter 16

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"So can you do it for me?" I ask David.

David had done his usual barging into my office whenever he damn felt like it. Since he was my closest friend, I didn't bash his head in like, I would do any other fucker who tried me like that.

"Mm-hmm. Don't try changing the subject. What's going on with you and Shrimpy?"

"I hate when you call her that and nothing is going on with me and Hannah. I'm just taking her to the party because she is my assistant. Nothing else."

"I know damn well you're not taking her because she's your assistant. Y'all fucked, didn't you? You can't hide anything from me." He replies with a smirk.

So damn nosey.

As corny as it sounds, Hannah was different. I don't know how or why, but she just was. Normally I only allow one-night stands and nothing further, not even a call. But with Hannah, I was the one that suggested this whole sex arrangement.

All day I had been stressed and anxious about what her answer would be when I asked her. Now after she said yes, I was nervous again, which was fucking with me. I didn't like this feelings crap. It was weird and unusual to me.

"Yes we are, but that's not what I'm worried about."

I stare at him seriously after saying this and he stares at me skeptically, as if he was trying to figure something out. This was the quietest David had ever been. He never shuts up. Ever.

Once he is like this for more than a minute, I can't take the silence anymore. "What? What are you thinking about?"

"You like her, don't you? Not just get in her pants for the night like her. You actually like her, don't you."

"What? Why would you say that?"

"Well, for starters, most of your assistants didn't even last a week. Most women only get a one-night stand with you. Lastly, I mean look at you. You're practically blushing every time I bring her up."

"Man, I don't have to deal with this you. Interrogating me and shit. Can you help me or not?" I reply, becoming irritated.

David begins laughing as if that was all he needed. He leans forward in the chair in front of my desk.

"Yeah man, I'll do it. Basically, I'm her butler-slash-designer, right? As if Jules can't do that, but whatever. I'll see you at the party."

"Oh yeah, what's going on with you and Blondy? You want to play detective with me, huh? What about you?"

"Right, right. So I'll see you at the party." He replies, nearly running out of the office to avoid answering the question.

"I'll find out!" I yell after him with a grin.

Well, at least I got him to leave.


Saturday rolls by faster than I thought it would. I learned that the party Micheal invited me to wasn't just some small get together. It was in fact a business party, that was all over the internet and magazines. Apparently, I'm the assistant to one. of the richest men in the city, who own at least a dozen hotels, and other places I don't even remember.

I honestly don't even know how I was able to get this job. I'm a designer, not an assistant. Technically, I'm not a designer since no one has ever hired me, but that is my dream. Every day when I'm done with my work, I draw and sketch things that could be added to some of his hotels, or other hotels. I don't dare show him though. It's just not good enough for that. I've never even shown Jules any of my designs.

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