Chapter 8

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"Wait what?" I ask, taken aback. Had I heard her wrong? She actually said yes? I was for sure she was going to say no.

"Yes, I will go," She whispers

"Alright, great.  Awesome! I'll call my driver and go handle some stuff. I'll be right back."

I start walking but turn around quickly.

"And don't run off, again."

She smiles and sits at the bar. "I won't, just hurry up,"

When she says this, I hurry off. I get to the table and only see a bunch of drunk people. Only one man sitting on the sofa awake.

What the hell?

These were supposed to be the people I was going to settle a business deal with. I was gone for about an hour, and they were already passed out on the sofa.

"What the hell happened? I wasn't even gone that long."

The man shrugs, "Some people don't hold their liquor that long. Let's get down to bussines." He says and leans forward. I sit next to him.

We talk for about fourty-five minutes, way longer than I wanted to. Most of it is gibberish and I am barely able to understand him through his slurred words. After a while I grow tired of it and stand up.

"Thanks man." I say as he passes out on the sofa.

Yep, never again.

I grab my suitcase, put down a couple of bills on the table, and walk away. When I walk back to the bar I nearly stumble back in shock. Hannah is standing on the bar, lip singing a pop song.

Two things I could say about this. The song was great. One of the best I had heard actually.

And Hannah damn sure knew how to put on a show. Almost half the club had turned to watch her.


I see there are only theee glasses on the counter. She must be a light head if three glasses of alcohol are enough to make her this drunk.

I had no other choice but to get her down. I grab her off the bar and throw her over my shoulder. As I suspected, my driver was already in the front so I sit her in the back so she can lie down. I realize she doesn't have her purse, so I jog back inside before some weirdo would grab it.

Thankfully, no one had touched it. I get back in the car and tell my driver to go to my house. There was no way she was going home all alone this drunk.

When we get inside, I am about to take her to my room but just as I am about to put her down, she vomits all over my shirt.

I had never been so grossed out in my life. It dripped down my shirt in almost slow motion. If it would have been anyone else, I probably would have murdered them and wouldn't think twice about it.

Sure, it was disgusting and made me want to throw up my damn self, but it made her look cute. Her long brown hair was all messy and her dress was hung lower than appropriate, which made her breasts push out slightly. When I catch myself looking, I avert my eyes.

She had more vomit coming up, so I pulled her hair back and sit her on the side of the toilet. She pukes about four more times after that. I put one of my dress shirts on her after she has finished. Letting her take the bed I make my way downstairs to sleep on the couch.  But about twenty minutes later, I hear her shout,

"Micheal, will you come lay next to me!"

I go to my room and see her laying underneath the blankets peacefully. I watch as her eyes close again.

There is no way to correctly describe Hannah's beauty, especially right now. She had that kind of beauty that made those Disney princess look as fake as they were. Age couldn't touch that kind of beauty, it was just there.

I just hope she doesn't freak out in the morning.

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