Chapter 7

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Oh God, please just kill me, just this once.

I am so pissed at Jules. How dare she?I only came so I could know why she was barely talking to me, but here she is bringing my boss slash brick to talk to us. I knew I was probably red as hell so I had to find some kind of excuse to get out of this.

"Jules, I'm sure Mr.Capone would like-"

He cuts me off, "Michael. It's Michael."

I didn't want this to start a conversation as I was already freaking out as it is.

"Yes um I'm sure Michael has plenty of other things to do other than speak to his assistant." I reply, giving a death stare to Jules.

"If that's true why don't you just ask him yourself?" Jules asked with a smirk.

Why couldn't she just mind her own business? I knew I shouldn't have came out here tonight.

I gather the courage and turn around to ask him. I still didn't look him in the eye as I spoke, "Mr.Capone, do you have anywhere else to go or would you like to sit here and talk to your boring assistant, and the manic on the side of her?"

I hear a that sexy low chuckle come from him for like the fourth time tonight before he responds.

"I was here with my friend David but-"

He stops talking when Jules begins choking. I was tempted on just letting her choke, but again she was my best friend.

The things I do for her.

"Is your friend okay?" He asks, alarmed.

I walk over to her chair and start to pat her back. A bit harder than normal. "Jules, you okay? Kind of not looking good right now." I whisper.

After a while she nods and begins smiling as if nothing happened. I walk back to my seat.

"So where were we? Right yes, how did you guys meet?" She asks.

"Jules what the hell was that about?"

"Yeah, blondy, do you know David or something?"

Just as she was about to reply, a guy walks up. He had all black hair that was gelled back, but a little messy. He also had on the same kind of suit as Michael. When he sees me he greets  me with a big hug like I had known him forever.

But when he sees Jules they both have a shocked expression. His quickly turns into a grin.

"Hey Jules." The man says.

"How do you know blondy?" Questions Michael

He finally takes his eyes of Jules and turns to me."I'll tell you later. Who is this?"

"This is Hannah Brown. My assistant."

The guy laughs and faces Micheal.

"So this is her huh? The one y-"

"Shut the fuck up David."

"What were you going to say, I didn't catch it?" Jules asks Brick. 

"Hannah and I met Sunday," he replies as if it was nothing.

Jules and I face him with a shocked expression.

Crap he remembered me! I hope doesn't he remembers the little accident.

"I was walking from a meeting, and she dropped her panties, so I picked it up."

Why don't you just say it louder, I don't think the other half of china heard you.

"That's it. You're going to tell me exactly what happened like all the details." Jules said, raising her voice.

"That's what I'm saying." David chimes in, both of them shaking their heads. I was already not liking them in the same room.

"Why don't you ask your friend?" Michael says, staring at me and I look away.

"Um it was fun seeing you Mr. Capone, but we should really get going. I will see you on Monday." I say, standing up and pulling Jules with me.

"But-" Jules tries to object but I give her one of my stares that showed there was no room for argument.

"Okay then let me go to the bathroom please."


"Yeah I guess it's time to go. Some people can't handle the heat." Michael says with a smirk.

"Wait, I gotta use the bathroom too, I'll be back." David says as he hurries off the same way as Jules did.

Great. Now I'm stuck with panty holder guy.

As I expected brick turned toward me with a gigantic smile. "They're not coming back."

I frown at that. "What do you mean? Of course  they're coming back. Why wouldn't they?" I ask confused.  but didn't look him in the eye.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you actually don't know?" He asks, surprised.

"I don't. What is it?"

He laughs at me as if I was the biggest idiot out there before responding, "They're fucking sweetheart. The stares, or even just the reaction she made when I just mentioned his name. It's practically impossible not to notice."

I thought about that. I had thought Jules was just acting weird or genuinely choking. Gosh, why was I so stupid. He was right. I had seen the way they kept looking at each other.

They weren't coming back anytime soon.

"Well, I better get going. I need to catch a cab, before its too late." I say grabbing my scarf and purse.

"How about I just drop you off?" Brick insists as I am about to leave.

He had a hopeful look in his eyes, but was trying to act nonchalant.

No. I am not about to do that. It would just be awkward. Do not do It.

He sees my skeptical expression and continues, "Come on, I'm not gonna try anything. I'm an asshole not a perv. I promise," He says and gives an irresistible smile.

Hannah, it doesn't matter. Just because he's gorgeous doesn't mean you should do it. Don't do it. Just walk out of the club Hannah.

Despite my mind telling me to leave, my heart betrays me.


In case anyone isconfused, "Brick " Is Hannah's nickname for Michael later in the story she will explain why. So if you see the name brick in the story, that's Michael.

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