Chapter 36

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Hannah's Point of View

I woke up this morning calmer than others, which was a good sign. Today I decided I wasn't going to do much because it was Saturday and thankfully my off day for both jobs. In my job at the restaurant, I only have to work Tuesdays and Thursdays which is awesome. So I decided to wear my hair in a messy bun, grey sweatpants, and an all-blue sports bra.

At around 10, after I had finished a muffin I had an incoming face time coming from Brick. I answered right away.

"Hey, sexy devil,"

"Hey baby"

"What's up? did you find someone? I'm sorry I and David couldn't find anyone, we'll try again though, don't worry about it." I said hopping on the kitchen counter, my favorite place in the house, as Brick gave me a confused face.


"Have you been on your phone this morning since I called you?"


"Oh that explains, you didn't see my message, I said we already found someone babe, that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about, along with wanting to see your gorgeous face."

"What happened?"

"Ok I was going to have David beg you, but he had a stupid fucking meeting"

"What? Beg me for what?"

"Ok, don't be mad, but yesterday after you told David to go in your office to look for some more people, he went through one of your folders that said, private I think, I didnt like it either, but he saw your drawings and sketches, and also you painting and stuff like that. Everything in that folder"

"HE DID WHAT?" I said yelling over the phone. I was furious.

"Look baby pl..."

"Why? Why the fuck would he go through it? I told that nosy little bitch to look through designers, not private, it's a big fucking difference. No wonder he was acting all weird. And wait you didnt kick his fucking ass? You accepted that shit. Wow, you don't love me at all I see. Your j....."

"Woah Woah Woah, I'm gonna cut your off right there. I love you, and you know that, I told you I didnt like it either and had the same reaction as you, so don't get carried away. Chill out woman"

As much as I hated being told to chill I couldn't resist the little smirk he had on his face. It was so fucking sexy that it was distracting me from my rant.

"You good now ?" he said still smirking

"Finish, there better be a good outcome of this"

"Thank you, now what I wanted to talk to you about was, that yes he did go through it, but he saw your art. And baby I'm telling you, you are talented, I mean you are TALENTED. He showed me your work, it was fucking awesome. I mean unique, aesthetic, everything we were looking for. I can't believe you were hiding this shit from me. I could have hired you as the hotel designer instead of a fucking assistant. I went to Mickey and showed him it, he liked it and said let's just see if it looks as good on my hotel as it is on this paper, so that was okay. That's what I'm asking you for. I know it's a lot of work which is why I want you to quit your job as a waitress and let me hire someone else to run the company while I'm not there. If you do, I could fly you out here, and you would design the hotel. You would be in charge of all that because I wouldn't know what the hell I'm doing and neither David. So? What do you think?"

I let that sink in. I was paying attention to everything, but the one thing that made me blush and feel proud of myself was when he said I was talented. I felt like I was floating on cloud nine.

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