Chapter 31

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I couldn't stop smiling as I ran into the living room.

"Jules! I need you to find a blue dress in one of those boxes now. Al wasn't specific-" I stop talking when I see Jules pull out a gorgeous blue dress.

"You mean this one?"

The dress was light blue, more like a baby blue. And wasn't sparkly at all. Al knew I hated sparkles and only wore them when Jules forced me to, or if I genuinely liked it. The dress was long and didn't have any straps. It was absolutely perfect.

"Jules, give me the dress."

"What? Why? Why are you so giddy? Wh-" I snatch it from her.

"Just watch." Giving a smile.

I grab the note. Folding it in half, making sure Jules is unable to read Al's personal stuff but still being able to see the details about the dress.

Once she is done, she matches my smile. "Well, what are we waiting for? What day is it?" She rushes to the kitchen, glancing at her phone before sprinting back into the living room.

"Its Friday."


"Its Friday."

"Friday as in the day of the week?"


"Friday as in f for frog?"


"Hold up."

I pick up the letter to double-check. Yep, it was Friday of this week. I read the date the letter was sent out and saw it was Wednesday. My mailman just took two days to give it to me for some reason.

"Jules, we have to go."


"Its time to go. We have to get ready. Today is Friday."

I ran up the stairs with the dress. I went into the bathroom and started to undress. When I am about to hop in the shower, the bathroom door bursts open.

"Where are we going?"

"Today is Friday, which is the day Al said to go to the club. Now if you want, you can stay here and be lonely-"

''I'll be ready in an hour." She then runs out of the bathroom.

After 45 minutes of horror, I am able to fix my hair and put on the dress. Unfortunately, after I finished my shower, my hair decided to be stupid and wouldn't stay in place after trying to put it in many different designs. So eventually I had to ask Jules for help and she was able to put it up in a braided ponytail so my full neck was on display, instead of hidden like usual. I couldn't decide what shoes went with my dress, so I called Jules up again.

"Jules! Could you home here for a second?"


When she walks in, I was astonished at how absolutely stunning she looked. Wearing a light purple dress with matching heels. Her hair was also in a neat bun, added with a little clip in the back.

"Wow!" we both say together.

"You look gorgeous, Jules."

"You as well, girl. Stunning."

"Thank you. We might not go anywhere if we don't have any shoes. I don't have any shoes to go with this. That's why I need your help."

"Oh, I got you,"

She said, walking back downstairs. Not even a minute later, she is back with a pair of matching pumps.

"Thank you so much." I smile and start walking downstairs with the pumps in one hand, a long black fur coat that was inside one of the boxes, my purse, and Jules behind me. I was about to walk outside when a thought occurred to me.

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