Chapter 41

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Hannah's point of view

"Oh shit, look at my baby, swinging them hands and shit. You go girl. pregnant and all my baby still a g"Al said as we were in the limo, on our way home. Jules had called a cab, even though I insisted on taking her home.

"Yeah, it did feel good to finally teach that bitch a lesson. Again. But I don't know maybe she's right.″

"Woah Woah, calm down there Sherrif. If anything you've gotten prettier. Baby, you are stunning. And my child inside you makes it even more attractive."

″Thank you brick I get your trying to help, but it just sounds weird. Anyway, what did you do with paul?"

"Nothing angel, we just joked around. Were here. Let me bring you inside."He said as the driver stopped the car.

″You can't pick me up. I'm 8 months pregnant it would be like trying to carry a whale.″

‴Babe, your forgetting your still short, and if that baby wasn't in there I would carry you on my back. Your not that heavy.″

″Your not that heavy, shut up"I mocked up, unbuckling my seat belt and trying to get out of the car.

″Nu-uh, I'm carrying you, and I need you to wear this," he ordered, wrapping a blindfold around my eyes.

″Wait why? Is this one of those kinds of things where the Boyfriend kidnaps the girlfriend and just kills her, then tells everyone he had no idea, like in the movies?

″You really need to stop going on Netfilx.No baby, it's a surprise. I know you hate surprises, but it's a good one" I heard him say as he opened the door.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me to wherever we were going. I heard him unlock a door.

″Brick I swear, this better not be one of your stupid cooking surprised"I cut myself off when I saw the surprise.

″A House?"

″It's a mansion kind of, but whatever, you like it?"

″No, I don't like it. I freaking love it."I yelled getting off of him and running, well wobbling inside the mansion

It had stairs on each side rounded into one big hallway at the top. The entryway floor, the one we were in. had white tiles with a big peace sign in the middle.

"Oh god, I can't wait to see the master bedroom. I can put all our pictures on the wall."

″Or you could put your paintings"

″Maybe. But I know I won't be bored for a while. And there's a swimming pool. "

″Yep, and a movie theater."


″Why did you buy it?"

"Well baby," he said wrapping his arms around my waist"Sometimes a boyfriend is supposed to do nice things aren't they?"

″You got it from David didn't you?"

"Yeah," he said sighing."I don't know how the motherfucker knows so much. And when I ask all he says is, 'I read brother I read'."

″Well either way this is so sweet. It's great for our family."

″Come on baby. I know you're tired, tonight has been hectic," he said leading me upstairs, the side on the right.

″But wait, there's no bed or anything, I don't mind sleeping on the floor it'll just be a lit....″

″Humpty dumpty, there's a bed, All of our stuff is in here. Just a new bed, and yes before you complain again, it's designed the same way."

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