Chapter 38

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Al's Point of View

″AL, where are you?"


When she heard my voice she opened the door to our bedroom.

"What are you doing in here? Look baby I'm so sorry I didnt want you to find out, and especially not like this, god not like this. ″she said sitting down on the bed next to me.

I don't know why I acted like such a child by stomping off. I was shocked, to say the least.

″Why didnt you tell me″ I said still not looking at her.

She was still staring at me, and when I finally looked up after she hadn't answered it looked like she was on the verge of crying.

What kind of asshole would I be to just let my girl cry?

I moved her over close to me, where she lay her head on my shoulder, before saying,

″I couldn't"

"What do you mean you couldn't?"

"No, it's more complicated than that. I couldn't tell you. I just couldn't."

After she said this she was quiet for a while. I was about to ask her again when she finally spoke.

″I was afraid. I was afraid you were going to leave. I was afraid I couldn't raise a child. I was afraid you couldn't raise a child. I was afraid you were going to stop loving me. I was afraid that you wouldn't look at me the same. We just got back together, we just said I love you, I was afraid all of that love would go away. My heart couldn't handle that. Yes I know, it was selfish to you and the baby. And I'm so sorry for not telling you, but you having the reaction you had just confirmed my thoughts.″


I couldn't understand. Why would she think this? did I really not communicate that much for her to know that nothing could stop me from loving her?

"Baby.." I continued, pulling her closer to me and running my hand through her hair.

" I couldn't leave you if I wanted to. I cant. I love you. I don't say that to make you happy or just to say it. I say it because it's true. What you do to me woman, god, every time I look at you, hell every time I feel your presence, think about you I melt into a fucking puddle. I'm not mad at all, I just wish you would have told me when you found out, we could have celebrated together. Instead, I've been such a dick making you do all this stuff. No baby I messed up, and I am so fucking sorry, so sorry. I could never leave you. The thought of losing you freaks me out so bad. It's like thinking about the end of everything.″

When I said this I felt my shirt become wet, but when I looked down I realized it was Hannah crying on my shoulder.

"So that's it? you're not mad? you don't hate me for not telling you?"

"No, never, I am going to respect and be supportive of whatever decision you make for this child," I said wiping off her tears.

"oh about that, it's kind of a little too late for that″

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm already two months and a couple of weeks pregnant"

"WHAT?" I shouted removing her head and standing up from the bed.

"Hey, you said you weren't mad, you can't renege," she said standing up to, with a tiny smile that I could tell she was trying to hide.

"Well yeah that was before I knew you were about to have the baby in like what,2 weeks"

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