Chapter 45

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Two Months Later (Five days before the wedding)

"Yeah, I was about to put him back. I need to get some work done anyway." I say, putting Caden back in his crib. I moved it to the living room, just to get a change in scenery.

Hannah has been working non-stop on the wedding. Since that night I told her the date. She has been very busy. I've been staying home with the twins. They're still small, so it's basically just them sleeping all day, an occasional diaper change, and feeding.

″How do I look? Like a rat or Attorney? I'm going for that business type of look, so she takes me seriously."Hannah asked, coming downstairs and standing in front of me.

″Your look stunning, baby. She's sure to be impressed.″

″Thanks, babe.″She responded, kissing me and pulling her heels in. She walked into the kitchen and I followed behind. Mostly to get a longer view of her butt.

"Jules, bring my daughter back over here!" She yells

″Okay, I need you and Jules to go to the cake testing and meet the photographer. I would do it, but like I told you, I have an interview with Paula Celine. And I will not miss this opportunity. I've already got everything else together. All that's needed is what I told you, guest listing, and more caters, which I will handle." Hannah says as Blondy walks in. Then starts loading the freezer with breast milk.

"Hell no. I am not going anywhere with a knock off barbie. "

″Please, like I want to go anywhere with you, anyway. Barbie would kill to look like this. If anything, she's the knock off of me."

″Look, Blondy, you don't have to be ashamed of who you are. That's your parent's job."

She glaresat me, which gives me great satisfaction that I had successfully pissed her off. "I hope one day you choke on all the shit you talk."

"Watch out, don't stand too close to the heater, sweetheart. Plastic melts."

″If you're going to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty."

"The last time I say something like you, I flushed it."

″Honestly, come on Hannah. I can just go alone. I don't need this arrogant clown."

"Maybe if you ate some of that makeup you could actually get a man, blondy."

"I'm all natural. You on-"

"Enough! Please, enough! I have watched you people argue about every little thing for months. Who has the most money, who's job is better, who wears the most gel, just shut the hell up why don't you!" She takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. Speaking more softly she continues, "Could you guys please come together this one time to do something I've asked you to do. Please guys, I need you."

″Do I make myself clear?" she asks when neither of us responds.

"Yes." We reply.

″Good. I'm running late so I have to run. You need to be there in about thirty minutes. Monica and Lisa are coming to watch the twins. Their food is in the freezer, pampers, wipes all that is in the nursery like usual. And their schedule is on the counter." she explains, grabbing her purse and walking to the door.

"Also, C-"

"I know, Caden eats and sleeps a little more than Lilly. I know."

"Okay, good. Wish me luck then." she said before walking out.

As I sit on the sofa in the foyer, blondy picks up Caden and lays him on her chest. Then starts to walk around the house, patting his back.

"I'm so glad you got your mommy's looks. Otherwise, we would have been in trouble, wouldn't we?"

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