Chapter 2

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As soon as I woke up this morning, Jules wanted us to leave.

"Come on, get your lazy ass up.'' She said, throwing a pillow at me as I stretched.

''Five more minutes.'' I groan and lay back on the bed. I could feel her staring me down as I tried to go back to sleep.

"Hannah, if you don't get up right now, I'm going to drag you off this bed. Don't you need to know about being an assistant? And don't try the 'I'm shy and can't talk to people' thing. If you want to make money, you need to learn how to have a normal conversation with someone without freaking out. Plus, we had a deal, didn't we?''

"You're right, I know. '' I answered, getting off the bed.

" Good. Now stop complaining and get dressed." I rolled my eyes but did what she said.

Once we finished getting dressed, we walked up to Jules's car since she insisted on driving. She had on a sparkly red dress that stopped mid thigh. Her hair was in a neat, sleek ponytail and to top it off, she wore red pumps. Jules always had to go all out. Even when we were going to the simplest of places.

I never dressed up. Like ever. Right now I was only wearing some baggy shorts, a long black hoodie, my hair in what I tried to make a ponytail, but now just looked like a rat's nest and some old Nikes. I wasn't lazy, I was just broke with no sense of style.


We arrived at the mall around noon. The first place we went was a diner near the mall. "What do you want? It's on me." Jules asked as we sat down.

I wasn't hungry, so I pushed the menu away ''Actually, I'm not that hungry.''

She rolls her eyes. ''Woman, if you don't choose something from this menu.''

"Ah, come on. I'm just not that hungry."

She gave me a death glare that showed there wasn't any room for discussion. So I sucked it up and listened to her. "Fine.Only because those fries look good.''

When we finished, we went to many stores that I didn't know the name of and Jules bought me nearly half the store. While she was looking at blouses and skirts for me, I wondered in the lingerie store. I bought some pretty red lingerie. I had never worn lingerie before and wanted to try them.

When I came out and she had a guilty look on her face. Hey Han. Remember the date I told you about this morning?"

''No. You never told me about a date. I thought we were practicing for my job today?''

"I didn't? I could have sworn I did.''

''No. You didn't tell me anything, Jules.'' I snapped, becoming frustrated.

''I'm so sorry. I didn't know he was going to come early, Hannah I promise. I'll make it up to you. What do you want? A car? House?''

I had only one thing in mind. ''You can never take me shopping again. Ever.''

Her smile dropped, and I could tell that was not what she expected. But she quickly composed herself and smiled again.

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