Chapter 35

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Hannah's Point of View

"What is it, Hannah?" Ms. Greene said looking at me curiously along with Jules.

I knew what I was about to say would mean a whole lot was going to happen. It could end with me heartbroken. I didnt even fully know if this was me talking or some sort of ghost appeared in my head. I also didnt know whether it was the right decision. But one thing I did know was I wanted to have this baby. No matter if I lost everything, at least I would have this baby.

"I wanna keep it. "

Ms.Greene and Jules both looked at me wide-eyed.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Jules said standing up from her chair and walking over to me. I didn't know if she was going to slap me or hug me.

"I'm sorry Ms.Brown, but what are you talking about"

"I don't want to have an abortion. It feels wrong. The father doesn't even know I'm pregnant let alone about to get rid of it. It's just wrong. Yeah, I might lose the only person that made me feel so special and like I actually mattered in this world, but it's better than feeling awful and guilty inside knowing the father didnt even get a chance to say goodbye. "

While Ms.Greene looked at me understandingly, Jules rushed up and hugged me, way too tight,

"Oh my god, thank you, thank you, so fucking much, You don't know how much I wanted you to have this child girl. The thought of mini you going shopping with me when you don't want to is so freaking cool. Oh god, I love you so mu.."

"Woah Woah, slow down there. I just found out I'm pregnant and that I'm keeping it. What did she say, about two weeks, I can't even see it yet."

"I know I know, but I'm just so excited," she said squeezing me even tighter until eventually, I felt like I was going to faint, so I pulled her off. She looked at me and held my hand,

"And I promise, no matter what Al does, I'm always going to be here, okay, so don't worry about that"

"Okay, thank you, Jules."

"Okay ladies, since there will be no baby removing tonight, I suggest you come back in 18 to 20 weeks, so I can see your progress. Other than that, let me wipe this off and you can leave" she said grabbing some wipes and wiping off the stuff on my stomach. I pulled my shirt down and hopped off the bed. Jules grabbed her purse and handed me mine. Then Ms.Greene lead us out of the room and back in the waiting room,

"Thank you for your time, Ms.Greene, I'm so sorry for the waste."

"It's no trouble at all Hannah, I go through this all the time. Here's my card, in case anything happens or you need anything call this number," she said handing me a black card with her face, number, and email on it

"Thank you "

"No problem, you guys take care"

"You too," I said as we walked out of the hospital. Then I got a call from David, or devil number 2 I should say.

"Hey shrimpy, you still looking ugly as usual huh?" he said over the line as I and Jules sat down on a nearby bench waiting for another uber.

"Seriously, you don't even know what I look like right now. Well unless you're stalking me, I know you tend to do that to people"

"Trust me, your no one I would stalk, but Jules on the other hand, oh yes I woul..."

"And I'm gonna cut you off right there, you can talk to her about all that shit another time, and way far away from me. Anyway, what do you want?′

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