Chapter 18

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I needed a plan, and I needed it fast. No way in hell was another man going to take my woman out.

Your woman? Micheal, you can't even admit to yourself you like her.

The truth was, I knew I liked her and it was fucking with me. I liked everything about her. The way she smells, talks, hell, the way she fucking breathes. Every time I'm around her, I feel safe and content.

I also knew there was no way I could ever be good enough for her, not even close. But right now, as selfish as it sounded, I didn't care.

I needed to hurry up though. Time was running out. I didn't want to have to ask David, but I knew his stupid ass was the only one I could count on. I had no idea what I was getting into with him, but I at least needed to try.

I dial his number and he answers after the second ring.


"Get your hungover ass up. I need you."

"Do you know how early it is, man?"

"It's already nine in the morning. What are you talking about?"

"Exactly. Which is why I'm taking my hungover ass back to sleep."

"Alright then. I'll just tell Hannah, you're cheating on her best friend."

"It's not cheating if we're not together. And I don't even have anyone. I got depressed drunk, fucking snitch."

"Wow, depressed drunk. What a goddamn loser. Why are you sad?"

"It's Jules. She won't return my calls."

"Aww, don't be sad." I reply in a mock girl voice.

"Thanks, man. Why didn't I think of that?" He responds sarcastically and I laugh.

"Seriously, get your ass down here. This matters more than blondy not returning your calls."

"Look, since you're too stubborn to get the hint, how about we make a deal?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you talk to Jules or Hannah for me about Jules, I'll come help."

"Deal, now hurry up."

"What happened anyway? Why do you need my help so bad?"

"Hannah has a date."

"I'm on my way." He responds before hanging up.


"Oh my gosh, thank you. That's so kind." I say to my date after he compliments me when he takes a seat across from me.

I was a mixture of nervous, excited, and scared about what Brick said last night.

Yeah, we'll see about that

Is what I recalled him saying after I told him about my date. I knew he was capable of anything. I don't think he is doing something because he is jealous, but mostly for his ego.

" So what do you want to order?"

"Um, I don't know. Everything looks amazing."

"You look amazing."

"Oh stop, you're going to make me blush."

Seriously stop.

"Okay, how about we both try the bacon burger?"

"Alright, sounds good."

When he is about to say something, I think I see the devil. Thankfully, it wasn't the real one, but definitely close enough.

Hooked On Your Love (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now