Chapter 12

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Today I woke up ready for the day. I decided to go with one of the dresses Jules had chosen for me to wear. A red dress with spaghetti straps and only stopped a little below my ass.

Once I got out of the shower, I put on my foundation, mascara and red lipstick. I added a pair of red pumps to go with it, along with a channel handbag I had burrowed from Jules. After I was done, I grabbed my purse, glasses, and a jacket. Jules said to act  as if it is a normal day so it wouldn't be suspicious. I go downstairs and see Jules is already up

"I'm taking you to work today. I don't need you messing up the plan, due to your clumsiness. Although you will still most likely embarrass yourself. I'll go get ready and be down in about twenty minutes, okay?"

Before I could answer, Jules rushes off to her room. About fifteen minutes later, she is ready and we go to her car. Shortly after, we are on the way to my job.

Jules chooses to go in and get the coffee this time.

"Just sit back and look pretty. We don't want you to fall." She says before going to the coffee shop.

When she is done, she notices how nervous I am and gives me a pep talk as she drives.  about how beautiful I am and all that other stuff. When we arrive, I thank her and say goodbye before getting out of the car.


I'm sitting in my office waiting for Hannah to come thirty minutes late, as usual. If it was anybody else, I would have already fired them. But it was just something about her. 

When I kissed her yesterday, I wasn't sure if she was going to slap me or run away. Not once did I think she would indulge.

I am about to check the time again, but there is a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say and the door opens.

"Good morning Mr. Capone."

"Good morning Hannah. Do you have my coffee?"

"Yes sir."

I look up from my paperwork after she hands the coffee to me and I nearly drop it. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

Was she trying to kill me?

She clears her throat and I zone out,  "Sir, is that all?"

"Oh uh, yes. You may go to your desk now."

When she sits down, I watch her take her coat off and this time I actually do drop my coffee. Fortunately, only a small amount spills.

"Fuck, you are hot."

Hannah was wearing a short, bright red dress that had all of her curves on display.

Why the hell had she been hiding all of that?

"What did you say, sir?"

"Oh, I was talking about the coffee. Get back to work."


I needed to find some way to kick this plan into action. So far the only thing I had done was give Micheal his coffee and take my coat off.

I decide to do the first thing on the list Jules had told me to do. The ass displayer. I wait for the right time when Michael isn't busy on the phone. When this happens, I pretend to drop my paperwork on the way to get something. I bend down, letting him get a good enough view of my ass before standing back up. When I turn around, he is glaring at me.

"Is there a problem, sir?" I asking, innocently.

He exhales a deep breath after a moment and rubs the back of his neck before answering,  "No, Ms. Brown. Just hand me the papers and get back to work."

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