Chapter 29

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Hannah's Point of View

It's been about a month since I caught Al cheating. The first few days I was miserable. I didnt even get out of bed let alone take a shower. But gradually over the weeks, I was able to get up with the help of Jules. I'm still feeling like shit though.

I was sitting on the couch eating a bowl of cereal and watching old episodes of criminal minds when my phone rang. I looked down at the username and saw it was Jules os I picked it up.


"Hey girl, how are you"

"You just saw me this morning, we live together, and I just got cheated on, but yeah I'm just peachy"

"Oh right sorry, what are you doing?"

"The same thing I've been doing for the past month, crying, sleeping, and watching criminal minds, you already know that″

"Okay sorry″

"Jules, what's up, what do you want?"

"Okay look, don't say no alright?"

"Jules, what is it?"

"I and David wanna take you somewhere"

"You talking to David again?"

"Yeah, we finally started talking again and I told him I liked him, and guess what? he liked me back, can you believe it?"

"Oh wow, so surprising, now what do you mean you and him want to take me somewhere?"

"Well, we wanted you to go outside you know, get some fresh air. Were worried about you girly"

"First, don't ever call me girly again, and second I don't want to bye"

"Nooo, Hannah, come on, you've been cooped up in the house for a month, we're not asking you to run a marathon, just come with us for a little while.″

"I do go outside"

"Dumping the trash doesn't count"

"Where is this place anyway?"

"Its a surprise"

"Hell no"


"You know I hate surprises"

"I know but please Hannah, for me, I promise your gonna like it"


"Yayyyy, well be there in about thirty minutes byeee," she said hanging up the phone

I didn't get ready until after ten minutes. I just decided to throw on a big hoodie, my hair down, and some air forces.

"Hannah, you in there woman?"

I heard David yell downstairs as I was grabbing my bag. As much as I hated his best friend right now, I still missed David.


I said running downstairs to hug him. When he saw me he picked me up and hugged.

"I missed you small fry, how you been, you know besides crying your eyes out?"

"I'm fine, now come on before I change my mind about going″

"Okay, let's go, Jules is in the car already"

"Where are we going anyway?"

"Like I would tell you"

I locked the door and went out to the car with Jules and David

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