Chapter 11

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"So you'll be here around five, right?" I asked Jules over the phone.

I was in a cab on my way home. We had a lot to talk about and today I had finally told her what I thought and forced her to tell me the truth.

This was the first time she had listened to someone besides her parents, and she barely did that. I think she most agreed because she felt bad. But I didn't care. I just needed to talk to my best friend.

"Yes, I will be there by five or like five five- fifteen. Either way, I'll be there soon."


"Yes, Hannah I promise. I'm never going to leave you hanging again, okay? I have to go. I will let you know when I'm here, or I'll probably just walk in without warning. "

Yep, she wasn't going to tell me and was definitely just going to walk in suddenly, as usual.

When I arrive home, I pay the cab driver and run inside. Checking the clock in the kitchen, I see it is only four. With this knowledge, I decide to eat something and take a shower before Jules showed up.

While I was in the shower, I kept reminiscing about everything that had happened today. I did not think the day would go like this when I woke up this morning, that's for sure. I assumed he would fire me, not turn me on.

The first time I apologized, he had looked at me like he wanted to end my life right then and there. It was as if I saw fire form in his eyes. Before I knew it, I was grabbing his tie and saying things I wouldn't ever imagine saying. All I was thinking was how much I needed to get the hell away from this gorgeous man before I would explode. He made me say and feel things that weren't me at all in only meeting a short time ago.

But, per usual, I force those thoughts away and get out of the shower. Jules and I weren't going anywhere, so I only put my hair in what I call a bun but looks nothing like one, an over- sized shirt and blue sweatpants. Walking downstairs I figure I could watch at least an episode of Euphoria before Jules came, but just as I am about to turn the television, the door busts open.

Jules walks in wearing a light pink dress that reached her thigh. With matching heels and her hair in a sleek ponytail.

"Hey, hey, hey!'' she yells, running to me and dropping her bag next to the door.

"Hey, long time no see." I reply. I embrace the hug she gives me but quickly break out, not wanting to waste anytime with small talk.

I wanted to know why she was acting so strange around that David guy and where she had been all that time. I was practically burning with curiosity as we sat on the couch.

"Talk. I need to know everything. From the second day of my job, at the club, everything."

She sighs before replying, "Alright look when I tell you this, you can't tell anyone else got it? Like anyone. Not even that creepy teddy bear in your room, okay?"

I nod, "Of course. You know I don't have any other friends anyway."

"Okay, so after I dropped you off at work the first day, my schedule was free, so I decided to go out until you came home. I went to the bar, had a drink and that's when I saw David."

She sits back, getting comfortable on the couch. "Him and I had met in court. He was cute, but it's not like I would ever see him again. He was the prosecutor, and I was the lawyer. But when I saw him at the bar, I just couldn't take my eyes off him. So when he walked over, it instantly became intense. I flirted, he flirted. 'Accidental' touches. One thing led to another and by the time I woke up the next morning, I was in his bed. We continued to see each other on a friends-with-benefits kind of thing. It was perfect for me, so I agreed.

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