Chapter 25

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Hannah's Point of View

"No, don't leave me, I want to cuddle." Al complains, holding my waist so I wouldn't go. A couple of days ago, after my little spaz, he asked me to stay the night. But like every time I'm with him, I lost track of time or more like days. I hadn't realized I've been coming here for two whole weeks. It had only felt like a couple of days. Since I was his assistant, we carpooled together. I never drive and wasn't going to. Then once work was over we would sometimes get take out, or I would cook something. Al tried to make another go with cooking, and that night ended with the fire department coming and me having to stand in the lobby the whole time. So I didn't let him cook again. One day we had a couple's day. believe it or not, it was his idea. He canceled all his meetings, and we spent the whole day together. Shopping, dancing, singing, eating, playing, and sleeping.

"Aw baby, you know how much I want to stay and cuddle with you, but I want to go home now, and Jules misses me. "

"No, blondy can find someone else."

"No brick, I have to go she needs me. I swear I'll come right back okay?"

" I don't want you to go though."

"Isn't David coming, anyway? You need to spend time with your bro.″

"Fuck David, I want you to stay, not him. And don't say, bro."

"Bro, Bro, Bro." When he is about to reply, the door unlocks David walks in.

"Hello, hello, the king has arrived. " He said, walking over and hugging me. Luckily Al had let me go, so I was sitting up on the couch when he did so.

"David, how did you get in here?" Al asks.

"You gave me a key asshole."

"No, the hell I didn't."

"Wow, I'm hurt that you don't remember."

"Aww, that's cute you gave him a key." I say.

"No, I didn't. "

"Yeah, you did. I remember that day. You were hooking up with that girl from the meeting and you wanted her to leave so you-"

"Shut up, David." Al says, cutting him off

"That's what you get for acting like you didn't remember asshole."

"Alright, you boys have fun now." I replied, laughing at their arguing. I grabbed my purse and began walking to the door.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Who do you think you are?" Al asks as I am about to walk out.

"Calm down guys, it's not that serious. I don't want anyone dead when I return." I reply, thinking they were still arguing.

"I'm talking to you woman." Says Al

"What did I do?"

"You can't just walk out of here, leave me with him and not even give me a goodbye kiss. How dare you?"

"I'm right here, you know."

" Oh, sorry." I walk back over to brick.

I lean over to give him a peck on his cheek, but he grabs my waist.

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