Chapter 13

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"Where is the shy girl I met? Do you know how much power you hold right now, Hannah? Once he takes a look at what you are wearing tomorrow, he just might faint. I have to say I did not expect the plan to work out this way. I didn't know you had it in you girl, I'm impressed."

"Wait, we're really doing this? I'm actually supposed to walk in there and try to get him to fuck me? What if I don't want him to, huh?" I reply and the only response Jules gives me is a look displaying she knew darn well I wanted him to fuck the living shit out of me.

"Alright, I do, but come on. When I said that stuff to him, I wasn't in my right mind. I don't know what got into me. I've never done this kind of stuff before Jules, you know it is way out of my comfort zone. I flirt from a distance. Where I can't be heard and won't actually have to talk to people."

"Okay, do you find him attractive?"

"Yes." I respond almost immediately

"Then what's the big fuss? You are two consenting adults. It's not like you're getting married or something. It's just a small hook up. Everybody does it once in a while."

"Yeah, that's the thing. I've never done a 'hookup'. I don't want to mess it up, and I've only been with two guys. One of them barely even counts. I don't want to let him down with my inexperience,"

"You are going to be fine, girl. It's one time to let yourself do something outside of your box."

I sigh before replying, "I guess you're right. Where's the outfit I have to wear?'

"Glad you asked." She replies, getting up from the couch and hurriedly running to her room.

I follow behind her and by the time I reach the room, she is smiling happily as she holds a black dress. It appeared to be a regular work dress from the front, but the back was out and stopped mid thigh.

"So this time I want you to go all out."

"Wasn't last time all out?"

"No, that was what I would wear on a grocery store run. This time I want you to go all out, but not all out at the same time. For example, you can't look like you are trying too hard. Which is why I got you this bad boy," She hands the dress to me and I examine it more as she speaks. "A dress that makes you look sexy as hell, all the while not looking as if you're begging for attention."

"It's beautiful." I reply, smiling fake-ly.

I didn't hate the dress, on other woman I'm sure it would look amazing, but it just wasn't for me. No way I was going to tell Jules that.

"I know, right? Here, look at the shoes."

She pulls out a matching high heel and stands back up.

"This is what you'll wear. Along with a necklace and an ankle bracelet."

"Thank you, they're beautiful, but why do I need an ankle bracelet? It's just a hookup, right?"

She pats my shoulder and shakes her head, staring at me in disappointment. "You innocent little lad."


"You'll thank me later, okay?" She responds and begins walking out of the room.

I shrug, not having a clue what she is talking about and follow behind. "Alright then."

"Good, now you need to go to sleep. I can't have you looking like a zombie on your first hook up. "

I scratch my palm and reply, "I'm not sure about his. I told you I made it sound like some stupid bet."

Hooked On Your Love (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now