Chapter 3

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"Let's go, let's go! You need to get ready!" Jules shouted as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

I look over at my clock that was sitting on my nightstand and saw it was only seven-thirty in the morning.

"Jules, come on, thirty more minutes."

"No! Absolutely not! Because you know what you'll do? You will say just thirty minutes, then you'll sleep for another two hours. And even if you only went to sleep for thirty minutes, it's going to be eight. Then you're only going to have 30 minutes to eat, take a shower, get dressed, get the coffee, and then drive to the office. And considering how clumsy you are, that's going to be another 15 minutes."

Always has to be right.

"Ugh, fine." I grumbled and got up.

"Great! Come and eat breakfast. I made eggs and waffles."

As soon as I heard breakfast, I rushed down those steps so fast.

"Don't get to tell me twice.''


After I finished breakfast, I thanked Jules and headed for a shower. When I finished showering and brushing my teeth. I chose an outfit I got at the mall. I rolled my eyes and groaned at myself, thinking about the incident with my lingerie.

Thank God I never have to see him. I don't want all of my pride gone.

I pushed the thoughts away and headed back downstairs. Jules insisted on taking me to work because she wanted to drop me off on my first day. I didn't mind. I hated driving. Every time I put my hands on a steering wheel, even for a second, I would nearly have a panic attack.

Once I grabbed the keys, my purse, and locked the door, I ran out to the car since Jules was already inside the car. "Alright, the first stop is the coffee shop. I need to be in and out because it's already eight-twenty." I ordered while buckling my seat belt.

"Eye, eye, captain." She said and saluted me as we drove off.

This morning, about two hours before we woke up, I got an email ordering me all the information and details I needed to know about my boss and my job, including how he likes his coffee. When Jules reached the coffee shop, I quickly ran inside to get his coffee, while forgetting my own. But me being me, on my way back to the car, I accidentally tripped on my own feet. Yes, my own feet, and spilled the coffee.

" Zoo we mama that burns!" I hissed.

I began unbuttoning my blouse, trying to keep my body from getting burnt. I was grateful I had a thick tank top under. It stopped me from just wearing a bra out in the open and burning my entire body. I threw the blouse on the back seat and turned the air conditioner on.

When Jules saw what happened, she had an alarmed look on her face." Oh my gosh, Hannah, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It just burns a little. I'm going to go get his coffee again. I'll be back." I said, hurriedly running inside the coffee shop for the second time.

Thankfully, I didn't spill this one. I blew some hair out of my face as I sat in the front seat and placed the coffee in the cup holder.

" Go! Go! Go!"

Jules quickly complied. When we finally arrived, I stared out the window, and it looked like we were in a different city. Everything was fancy and elegant. Way different from what I'm used to.

As I was getting the coffee and my purse and was getting ready to get out, Jules pulled me back.'' Go kill 'em, girl! You've come so far, and I'm proud of you. And remember to please at least talk to one person. Yourself doesn't count.'' She encouraged, laughing.

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