Chapter 27

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Lisa's POV

"Welcome back, Alpha Lalisa Manoban!"

It sounds so foreign yet a bit familiar as if it was spoken in an alien language. A language where I couldn't process the words quite well, yet at the same time, I could simply understand it as clear as a toddler could.

My brain just can't really seem to process the word 'alpha' as if it had completely shut down.

Since I am truly not ready for the alpha title just yet.

"Eommaaa!" Ella yells as I felt my mate's body slides against mine and onto the floor. Her eyes flutter half-close while still clutching on her side which is still bleeding badly. Her breathing started to weaken and so is her heartbeat which put me in a state of panic again.

"Your Luna is severely injured and needs to be treated. Fast! Please take us to the nearest hospital" I mind linked the four wolves without even noticing that I did as I let the anxiousness eat my whole system.

Nothing matters at this moment except for my mate and her sake.

"Yes, Alpha!" They all mind linked back altogether before giving me a slight bow.

Without wasting another second, they all shifted to their wolves and sprinted off to the woods. I swiftly scoop Jennie up and place her at my back as well, before following after them, running as quick as I can while still trying to be as steady and gentle as possible for both my girls.

It felt like hours when the trees around started to disappear one by one and the grassy plain land started to show.

As we spotted the hospital, we quickly rushed towards like a cheetah on a hunt, not minding the bewildered stares that we are currently receiving. The four then led me inside and the pack doctor hastily attended to my mate, taking her quickly to the emergency room which I am unfortunately not allowed.

Back to my human form, I anxiously paced back and forth while my daughter and those who accompanied me here watched me getting anxious. I was filled with dread, my hands and feet wrapped with cold sweat as I glance at the door from time to time, my breath hitching every time a doctor would come out.

I almost forgot that they were actually there in the first place.

"Alpha Lalisa" The shewolf who assisted my mate earlier calls out, stirring me out of my horrifying thoughts. I look over to see them with worry across their face, especially Ella that made me still for a while.

"Please calm down Alpha, our Luna will be fine" She says calmly which only added to my irritation.

How can you be so sure that she'll be okay if it has been an hour since she entered that fucking emergency room and yet there's still no news about her condition whatsoever?!

I wanted to snap at her, yell it in front of her face and lash all my frustrations at her.

But I didn't.

I held my tongue back and swallowed every word that I wanted to utter as they do not deserve to be treated like that. Besides, I owe them our lives.

Instead of being stubborn, I gave in, sighing dejectedly as I settled down beside Ella and just wrapped my arms around her little frame, pulling her closer for a comforting hug.

"I thank you greatly for saving us from the rouges. If all of you hadn't come in time, we would have been cold corpses by now" I say genuinely, showing how I am beyond thankful for their kindness in saving our lives.

They all beam in return but kept their calm.

"Our pleasure Alpha. Besides, it is our duty as we were once your father's and now your most trusted warriors to give you and the pack the protection needed" Says the other shewolf with short hair who helps fight off the rouges.

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