Chapter 6

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Lisa's POV

I felt goosebumps as her hot breath hits my skin. I hate that I'm not doing anything to push her off nor to protest just like what I always did back in the cell. My hands and feet were free but my body seems to be at bay. Obeying and following every word that she says. It's like she has the power to control my whole being.

I shut my eyes and took a big risk. I pushed her with all my strength and rushed to the door. But the wolfsbane seems to take effect since she only took a step back while I trip on her foot. I groaned as I landed on my face, barely catching myself.

The monster hysterically laughed at my failure. I yelped as she grabs a fistful of my hair and yanked it, forcing me back up. She stopped laughing and her face hardens as she made me face her.

Without a warning, she swings her hand onto my cheeks while the other still tightly grip my hair. My head snaps in the other direction and tears started to well up in my eyes.

"What a total idiot. You think you're stronger than me?" She scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

Ms. Kim dragged me by my hair, my scalp felt like tearing away as I silently cried for help. She bang me on the wall with such force and then hastily secured the shackles built on the wall around my wrist.

I kicked her only for her to catch my leg and also shackled it on the wall. I fought off the chains, tugging and twisting my wrist in hopes that I could escape. But it only bruised me, the skin beneath the shackles was painfully red and raw.

She laughed again. Her index finger traced my jawline before lifting my chin up. I only glared at her and she just laughed it off. She then finally unhooked my muzzle, allowing me to finally breathe properly.

"You fucking crazy woman!" I spat at her with so much hatred.

She scoffed again. "I'm not crazy my toy, I'm eccentric"

I balled my hand and gritted my teeth. "You're a psychopath!"

I saw her jaw hardens before roughly squeezing my jaw. "Listen here you low-life of a creature-" I let out a deep growl, cutting her off.

"You are just a feisty little toy who I will enjoy breaking later on. Now I recommend you shut your mouth up before I cut your precious tongue out"

Now it's my turn to laugh. "Why? Hurt by the little truth?" I questioned cockily, challenging her patience.

She was already shaking in anger, causing her to shove the muzzle back to my face. "Let see if you can still use that mouth of yours after our playdate today"

She walked towards the table full of different devices, repeatedly tapping her chin as she took her time choosing. When she turned around, I eyed the thing that she was holding. A plain long metal sticks with some weird designs at the end of it.

" call this a stun baton-" she gently caressed it while nearing me, her eyes never leaving the device. "My previous toys loved this thing. They would scream for me just by seeing it" she said dreamily, making me want to puke at her words.

"But sadly, I won't be able to hear your screams today because of that mouth of yours" she sadly smiled, caressing my cheeks with the back of her hand before leaning on my ear. "Let's play now, shall we?"

In a snap, Ms. Kim ripped the thin piece of clothing, revealing my bruises, cuts, and scars on my upper body. She slowly inched the baton on my mid-section. My abdomen, contracting as it tried its best to avoid the contact.

I whimpered as it is only centimeters away which made the devil smiled in satisfaction before poking me with the stick. A rippling shock erupted from my mid-section, spreading all over my body. I shook my head from side to side trying to block out the pain. Small muffled whimpers escaped as I flail through my restrains.

Ms. Kim crazily laughed. "Your whimpers are music to my ears. Hearing it just made me wet. Imagine you screaming would add more pleasure" she moaned out while maniacally smiling at me.

I felt another jolt of shock on my ribs and sides as she kept on poking me with it. My heart was pounding at a very fast pace, my breathing ragged and my head already throbbing. I prayed to the moon goddess to end this suffering. As if granting my wishes, she pulled away, my body still trembling as an aftereffect.

"Again?" She tilted her head and looked at me like an innocent child.

She poked me, again and again, a couple of times until she was satisfied. And all I could do is stand in front of her and endure the pain while she continued to enjoy this madness. My body was already hurting from the shock. It was energy-draining, my body tingling and becoming numb from being electrified.

"Aw...someone's already tired" she pouted and I released those unshed tears. Blinking a couple of times to clear my vision. "But don't be, it's just the beginning! We still have a lot more to go over" she said with a sudden burst of enthusiasm.

She lifted my chin up and waved the silver knife in front of me. My eyes almost popping out of my sockets as I looked at her in both fear and horror.

"Now I want to hear you scream" She removed my muzzle and threw it somewhere across the room. She took a step back and examined me for a second.

She held the knife firmly, dragging it slowly and deeply across my stomach. I gasp in pain as tears started welling up but I held it back. I bit my lip and tightly shut my eyes as I held back a scream.

"Your hot you know that?" Ms. Kim started while trailing her fingers through the bleeding gash on my stomach. "Just sleep with me, do what I say and I'll end all this" She darkly said while seductively biting her lower lip.

I growled. "I'd rather do all this shit than to be with a crazy whore!"

The knife that she was holding quickly pierced my skin as she furiously stabs me on my right arm. I screamed shortly and tightly shut my mouth close.

"Fine! You choose pain over pleasure then I'll give you pain!" Ms. Kim quickly held the knife against my cheek and I flinched as I felt the blade press on my cheek.

"I'll choose it over and over again if it by means I can stay away from you as far as possible" I glared at her.

She sliced the blade across my face, making a red line from the corner of my lip to my ear. My face contorted in pain as I close my eyes and breath deeply.

"You are a challenge my toy. But remember that everyone has a breaking point. This is just the beginning. You will eventually break, remember that" Ms. Kim calmly said as if she wasn't just furious a while ago. She turned to her heels and left me bleeding while pinned on the wall.

Oh goddess, why must you bring a psycho woman into my life?


Hello! Wish you all a good day.

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