Chapter 2

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5 years later...

Someone scoffed "I doubt that she's a werewolf. Those things are impossible to capture" A woman said as she eyed me intensely.

I eyed her back with the same intensity. Angered at the fact that she calls us 'things'. But my tormentor, which I knew as Jackson, blocked my view. He entered this rusty cell, holding his oh-so-favorite bullwhip made out of silver.

I remained laying on the stony, harsh floor, unmoving. I had pale as white yet bleeding skin, dark brown oily, bloody, and dirty loose hair spread on the floor. My back was bare from cloth, yet it wore raw, red gashes scattered all over it, strips of flesh burnt and torn, trickles of crimson blood seeping down, dripping on the disgusting black stained floor.

My arms and legs were bare, bruised all over. The bruises were a multitude of hues, colors that normally should not be on someone's skin. There were garish purple splotches, roughly the size of a fist, while others were more grayish but still looked just as bad.

And they were all over me. It was horrible. And it wasn't just the bruises. There were deep scars, too. Lines across my body.

Deep knife cuts, and the thing that was supposed to cover my body barely did its job. I was practically nude, my neck, still covered with the metal collar that was always attached to the wall, giving me limited movements. Werewolves usually can heal themselves, unless silver was mixed in their blood.

Jackson unlatched my collar and lifted me up by my neck. "Shift"

He shoves me to the ground and I clutched on my bare and bruised neck, gasping for air. I bend on all fours and called out for my wolf. It took me some time and I can see Jackson impatiently tapping his right foot.

I shifted into my barely alive wolf. The piece of clothing, tearing apart and my bones cracking. My energy slowly slipping away once again. And all I could do is to collapse and I did.

The buyer gasped "I change my mind. I'll just buy this next one over here"

"Very well" Jackson said before forcing me to shift in my human form by repeatedly hitting me with silver until I was too weak to stay in my wolf form.

I cried out until I felt myself shifting away, my wolf whimpering at the back of my mind. Then, he wrapped the metal collar around my neck and threw me some ragged clothes before exiting my cage like nothing happened.

This is just like any other day. It was always like that, customers and slaves come and go. Sometimes passing by my cell to check me out. And I obey the humans for my own sake, not minding the pleasure that I was giving them.

It wasn't because I was scared or terrified, well, half of me was. But, the lesser I fought, the lesser the consequence was and I was fine with it.

They fed the slaves every day, throwing a piece of bread to every cell except for mine. I was fed two times a week just so I could not gain any strength that I can use for escape.

At least people knew who's stronger

They made sure I was weak, injecting me with wolfsbane each and every day. Beating my already battered body until I pass out. And then they leave me, bathing in my own blood.

I was sick of life, sick of living. If only I can kill myself, I would do it without a doubt. But the humans kept me on the verge of dying. Only keeping me barely alive. And I swear, it was pure torture.

Jackson came in with a piece of bread in his hand. Now my tummy grumbles at the sight and smell of food.

"Let's play a game, shall we? I will give you a piece of this bread and in return, I get to hit you. Yeah?"

I swear, such a game doesn't exist but still I nodded mindlessly, for the fact that I haven't tasted anything for days except for the blood on my lip.

The bastard tore a piece of bread and threw it to the floor. I didn't care if it was dirty or not. At least it'll satisfy my hunger. I quickly snatched it and shoved it to my mouth. And then as soon as I swallowed it, his fist came crashing on my cheeks. Tears suddenly welled up.

He threw another piece on the floor. I was hesitant at first but decided to grabbed it anyway. This time, he hit me on my stomach that it almost made me puke. I doubled over and clutched my abdomen.

It went on and on until I finished the bread. And I was thankful that it was finally over. He got out of the cell and I get to rest my beaten body. All I can do now is to watch as the other slaves suffer until sleep decided to consume me.

Hello darkness my old friend....


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