Chapter 11

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Lisa's POV

"I was a hunter..."

As soon as she uttered the last word, my face abruptly paled, my breathing became ragged as my body trembled to the very core. My face showed no emotion as I am now completely livid.

My vision darkens as my wolf completely took over. She wasted no time lunging forward then shifting mid-air, tackling the feline on the ground. She sunk her sharp canines into Jennie's shoulder, making her squirm and scream in pain and for my wolf to also howl in pain.

"No! Don't kill her or else we'll die!" I sternly told my wolf who's teeth are inches away from the feline's neck. As much as I wanted Jennie dead, I do not wish to die since a part of me still hopes that my family, friends, and pack are somewhat still alive.

My wolf's ears flatten and let out a growl before backing away and sitting on her hind legs. "B-but a hunter deserves death! They killed many of our kind, our parents!"

"And we can't die either! Now, will you calm down and let me take over" I quickly slip some clothes on and blocked the stinging pain on my shoulder.

"There is nothing you can do to stop me now" I gave the feline's injured state one last disgusted look before proceeding to the elevator.

Jennie slowly got up while clutching her bloodied shoulder "Marco Manoban..." she weakly coughed out that stopped me from stepping inside.

I hesitantly turned to my heels and faced the brunette with wide and curious eyes, allowing her to continue. "The greatest alpha of the Royal Silver pack-"

Jennie got back to her feet with a wide grin plastered across her face. "But died on the hands of the hunters in a tragic event five years ago"

Five years ago...

Five years ago?

Has it been five years already?

Then that means....

No! It can't be!

"Stay here and don't bother escaping or else I'll have the whole pack wiped out in just a call away from the facility"

My eyes snapped back to the feline who had just finished wrapping some bandages around her shoulder. Jennie walked pass me, bumping her shoulder with mine before entering the elevator. As soon as I got back to my senses, the door closes causing me to repeatedly press the button to follow her.

I need answers

The chilly night breeze welcomed me as soon as Jennie's scent led me outside, making me grip on my jacket harder. I walk on the quiet empty streets of Seoul, some lights flickering on and off like a scene in a horror movie.

After walking for what feels like years, a bar came into view. I sighed in irritation, knowing that it is impossible to find Jennie in a bar full of humans whose scent were surely mixed together.

"You could've just waited for her to come back, idiot" my wolf sneered.

"Idiot? Says the one who almost got us killed" I retorted. "If it weren't for me, were probably dead righ-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence when my wolf suddenly hushed me to silence. She was now on full alert.


"Hush...didn't you hear that?"

"Hear what?" I looked around and focused on my surroundings. For a normal human, they would not find anything suspicious at all. But thanks to my night vision and enhanced hearing, I can clearly see more than one moving silhouette at the right corner; near an abandoned alleyway.

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