Chapter 10

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Lisa's POV

I lay on the sofa, curled into a ball as I clutched my stomach tightly. The aching on my chest worsens as the air was sucked out of my lungs. Beads of tears that I keep on wiping constantly roll down as I could not stop myself from laughing hysterically.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?!" Jennie, infuriated, yelled over her phone while glaring at my laughing state that made the person on the other line burst out laughing.

I took long deep breaths as I calmed a little bit. Fanning myself as I felt the heat from laughing continuously. After a very long time, never did I expect that I would be laughing again. Seeing Jennie's frustration made it possible for me to laugh again even though I loathe her with every aspect of my life.

"Because you didn't ask?" The other person sneered after composing herself.

Jennie gritted her teeth as her hold on her phone tightened. "Bae Joohyun! Better not show yourself here or else I might strangle you to death!"

Irene laughed it off. "Your welcome!"

Then the call ended. Jennie grunted and tossed her phone on the coffee table. She roughly disheveled her hair out of frustration while muttering incoherent words under her breath.

My lips twitched upwards and I can't help but laugh again. She tossed me a glare but I was too occupied with my own laughter to notice it. Jennie leaped up from the couch and straddled me, wrapping her hands around my neck.

"Ah ah ah" I said to her, waving my index finger side to side to stop her from really strangling me. "You know you can't hurt nor kill me too. You're also under the mirror spell, remember?"

Once we got home from Jennie's mansion, I kind of made her mad again with my mouth of the mine, causing her in slapping me. Jennie stood frozen and wide eye after that, making me look at her in pure confusion.

Jennie hastily sat on the sofa, fished her phone, and dialed someone's number. I watched her as her expression changes from confusion, shock to anger.

With my curiosity, I quickly neared her only to catch a few words from Irene. "The one cast a mirror spell will have a bond with the other person who wished to be mirrored, thus making that person, which is you, also be affected by that spell" Irene explained.

Jennie frowned. "So in short, I'm also under a spell" She asked which came out more as a statement. It is not that her statement is funny and all that, that made me burst out laughing. I was just really ecstatic about her not being able to hurt me physically anymore.

Slowly, Jennie got off me and let go of my neck. "Curse you and that witch"

Her shoulders fell as she sighed defeatedly and headed to the elevator without sparing me a second glance.

A moment of silence passed when my wolf whimpers. "Follow her. Please" She begged.

"Why would I? Have you forgotten all the things she did to us?! Whatever she's going through, she deserves it!" I thought angrily, making my wolf continue her whimpering.

"Please...please....please" She kept on repeating non-stop, making me grunt in annoyance. I block my wolf out but still ended up following Jennie. I follow her trail of scent that leads up to the rooftop of this very tall building.

As the elevator door slides open, the wonderful over-looking view of the city of Seoul greeted me. My gaze immediately landed at Jennie's slim figure. She was leaning across the railings, her back facing me while sadly gazing at the beautiful night sky.

A lone tear fell down on her chubby cheeks as her face held so many emotions which is very unusual for her. A tug in my heart had me approaching, only stopping a few meters away from her. She still hadn't noticed me yet, but the concern growing inside led me to reach for her shoulders to comfort her a little.

She flinches at my sudden touch. "What are you doing here?!" Jennie spat sharply as she tossed me a glare.

And just like that, all my concerns and worries disappeared in a snap and were abruptly replaced with anger. "It is none of your concern"

"Go back down or else-"

"Or else what! You're gonna hurt me? Kill me? Torture me?" I didn't let her finish as my blood started to boil in anger.

Jennie opened her mouth but didn't say anything. "That's what I thought, you can't. I am stronger than you and you can't do anything to stop me from escaping now" I mocked her, making her grit her teeth hard and clench her fists tightly.

In one swift move, Jennie did a sweep kick that had me on the ground in seconds. I haven't even recovered yet when she kneed my abdomen and pinned my arms just above my head. I grunt in pain as I tried to get her off me.

With the help of my wolf strength, I easily flipped our position. But Jennie quickly swayed her legs and kick me with ease that sends me flying a few feet off. I landed on the ground roughly that surely bruised my skin.

"H-how did you-" I asked incredulously as I stared at her wide eye. I was too shocked to even finish my sentence.

"Did she just push us off? How can she be that strong to match our strength?!" My wolf finished my question inside my head.

I always thought that she was just stronger because I was constantly under wolfsbane. But now, she had just proven that she really has the strength same as I.

"Do you think I'm that dumb to let you free with your wolf? She scoffed. "You don't know me" Jennie spoke with such coldness that sends shivers down my spine. Even my wolf cowered before her.

Based on her scent, she was surely human. But with the strength, she had made me think twice of her real being. "W-what a-are you?" I asked with a shaky voice while looking at her fearfully.

Jennie place her hand in the air, showing four of her fingers "I am someone who you shouldn't mess with"

She folded her index finger. "I am someone who was born and trained to kill"

She folded her middle finger. "I am someone who had killed many, especially mythical creatures like you"

Jennie grinned mischievously while maintaining eye contact as she folded her ring finger.

As soon as she uttered the last word, my face abruptly paled, my breathing became ragged as my body trembled to the very core. My face showed no emotion as I am now completely livid.

"I was a hunter..."

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