Chapter 20

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Lisa's POV

"Stay away from me"

Those were the exact words that Jennie had uttered, and it had been ringing in my ears for the last three days.

Until now.

All Jennie wants was for me to stay away - her words are as clear as day. But sadly I can't give it to her permanently or else my wolf dies. And I don't want that either.

But pain is better than death.

To have her reject me is the one and only way, for I can't bring myself nor my wolf to reject her.

She had been through a lot.

It is better that I'd go through that pain alone.

It's for the best.

Last night, I was supposed to end our bond- everything between us. I can't bear the thought of her being forced by the bond. I don't want that, true mates should love each other freely.

Plus, how can love occur when our dark past kept on holding us back, especially Jennie's?

So again, it's for the best.

Around 11pm, I arrived at her penthouse to find it dark and pretty much empty.

At first, I thought she was still at work, but midnight comes and still no sign of her. So, I decided to follow her scent that led me to a bar.

She was extremely drunk, that's for sure.

But a drunk Jennie made all my thoughts about leaving her to go away, just like how she made me go away for the past few days.


"Heeeey" She weakly tried reaching for the bottle as her head fell on the counter, hitting her forehead with a thud.

And she is wasted.

Without much of a choice, I carried Jennie on my back after paying for all the drinks. And since I have no idea how to drive a car and there are no more cabs and buses in the city, I walked home, which I tell you is just a piece of cake.

Oh who am I kidding?!

It feels like I'm carrying an elephant that acts like a gorilla. Her heaviness, that I still can manage. But the fact that she keeps on pulling my hair and ears like I'm her horse is on another level.

It feels as if I was being punished.

"Lisha-yah!" She yells right behind my ears that made my eardrums pop.

"I'm dizzy" At that, she threw up, covering me with bile; mostly all the liquids that she consumed, before resting peacefully like she didn't do anything wrong.

Pity me.

A good two and a half hours passed as I got everything settled- by settled, I mean Jennie and I already at home, all cleaned up and ready to sleep. Well, she is already sleeping so might as well leave before she wakes up in the morning.

"Lisha?" She calls just as I was about to close the door.


"Are you leaving... again?" There was this tone in her voice that I can't quite tell... disappointment or sadness maybe?

But that's impossible.


"Please stay..." She pleads.

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