Chapter 13

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"Wow..." is all I could say.

Everything feels surreal, a dream or perhaps a beautiful nightmare. On cloud nine it felt; me, sitting on a fluffy cloud as the chilly breeze of air hits my skin, contrasting the warmth the sun brings forth.

This long simple white yet elegant dress, it made me look like a wingless angel on the outside but a devil on the inside.

How ironic.

But it feels like it.

It's funny really how I'm enjoying this right now when it should be the opposite.

This- this grand place; once a training field, now turned into this luxurious event place. Clothed tables and chairs were scattered everywhere; wine glasses, plates, and utensils of some sort are placed neatly. Loud blaring music and aligned food caterings are present too that make this whole place lovely and lively. Let's not forget the people, fellow hunters, that complete this whole event.

Totally a waste of time.

Thump thump

My uncle, dressed neatly in his most expensive outfit, a suit, and tie, stood straight and confident on the mini stage with a victorious grin plastered on his face; taps the mic two times followed by a screech, catching the attention of all who are present today, including me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, hunters of all ages. I, Kim Jong kook, brother of the late Kim, have organized this event for my niece's 19th birthday..."

And... That's it.

One week of captivity in that horrid cell and it's all because he waited for my birthday.

My very first birthday celebration ever since I was born.

Why would people even celebrate the date of their birth when it only makes them older each year?

I don't even know when's my birthday!

"....And she is here with us today after years of absence to announce this very important news" There goes my cue, I made my way up front and took a deep deep breath.

Okay.... I can do this.

"Thank you to everyone for coming here today...." I started, pausing to take another deep breath, feeling the chills creep up as my anxiety continues to grow.

"I, Jennie Kim, the current leader of this organization, is now of age to finally be able to completely take over of this organization...."

The crowd went wild. Some who are loyal and close to my parents clapped and cheered while others just yelled their boo's, disagreeing that I should take over.

"But unfortunately, I don't have the will and strength to lead all of you. That is why I am here to announce to you that I will step down from my position and pass it to my great uncle, Kim Jong kook" My uncle stood behind me presenting a piece of paper, the contract. I shakily took the pen and hesitantly signed the paper.

It's all done. The weight on my shoulders disappeared.

I am no longer part of the hunters. Just a normal being from now on.

I'm free.

"I tell you, you made a good choice dear niece. But you are still a disappointment, a failure no matter what you do. Always remember that" That's my uncle coming from behind with a look of victory. He pats my back then took off laughing.


"You fucking child! How could you leave your cousin in that forest all by herself?!" A very loud 'slap' echoed around the room as a man stood in front of a child, sobbing loudly on the floor.

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