Chapter 37

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Lisa's POV

"Alpha, we found her"

It was past noon, I was having lunch with Ella and my mother when it got disrupted by a panting Jungkook, barging in right away into my mother's room without caring to knock and inform us of his sudden presence. It startled us pretty much, especially Ella who ended up crying.

But when the all-time big-time nuclear bomb of a news left his mouth, the spirit of The Flash possessed my body. I found myself running through the halls of the hospital at the speed of light. Barely even dodging those who are in my way.

Then, I heard screaming in the distance as I got nearer to her room.


My wolf screamed in my head.

Desperate, I push my long legs further. Using every ounce of energy to reach her room in no time. Then—


I crashed through the door, almost breaking, as I failed to cease the momentum of my body. The impact was painful, but it didn't matter at the moment as the ache in my heart was much more painful.

I felt like crying, my chest tightening as my eyes landed on her battered form, curled up in the corner; hands over her ears, yowling and trembling in absolute terror. The sound of her agony through her cries resonating across the hospital, unfurling through the air.

I took a step forward and suddenly, I hear nothing. Only the ringing that invades my ears and the ragged breathing coming out of my mouth.

"N-no...." She whispers, eyes gleaming with horror.

I took another step.

"Nini, it's me" I say softly and sat slowly at the edge corner of her bed, careful not to scare her furthermore.

"Don't come near me!" In panic, she clawed the sheet beneath her, pushing herself further to the wall. Eyes anxiously darting back and forth to me and the others.

I look back and saw the pack doctor and nurse with a syringe in hand, along with the four warriors standing near behind.

I almost forgot that I have company.

"Guys?" It was a simple wordless request for privacy and thankfully, they understood, leaving the room quietly within the next second.

As soon as the door shuts close, I turn my attention toward my terrified mate, her entire face buried against the palm of her hands. Her heart-wrenching sobs coating both the air and my inner soul, my heart clenching even more.

"Nini, may I know what happened?" Worry laced my tone as I questioned her ever so gently, careful not to frighten her.

But she only shook her head and let out more tears.

I reached for her, supposedly to give her comfort and a shoulder to cry on, but she just—

She pushed me away.

I mean, she flinched, recoiled, and pushed herself far away.... away from me, her mate.

"Please...." She begs.

"Please don't hurt me" Her voice wavers in utter fear, her entire appearance screaming at me with anxiety yet familiarity and longing.

I didn't know what to do.

I never heard her sound so.... broken nor see her in a state like this ever.

This is far worst than before.

"Baby.... I would never hurt you" Gingerly, I snaked my arms around her back and head, engulfing her in a hug as I guide her body to lean unto me and let her head rest on my shoulders.

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