Chapter 39

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Lisa's POV

Knock, Knock, Knock

Just every damn time!

Out of all the seconds, minutes, and hours in the clock, it has to be disrupted in the exact minute when she was about to tell me something important.

It's fucking cliché and annoying!

If only I can strangle the person who dared to disrupt us at the wrong fucking time.

With a deep scowl, an exasperated grunt escapes from my lips as I stomped heavily towards the door.

"What?!" I spat bitterly upon opening it.

My eyes widened seeing two person upfront, surprised with their sudden visit. I immediately composed myself and cleared my throat, abashed with the little show of my immaturity just seconds ago.

"J-Jisoo, you're awake" I was still in shock.

"Lili, who's th-" I felt a hand on my shoulder as Jennie's presence appeared slightly behind me. It didn't even take a second when I felt her freeze, muscles tensed, breathing cut short, and hands now gripping my shoulder tightly. I took a glance back and saw her eyes wide, looking so..... terrified?

Her terrified gaze locked to the person behind her cousin, whose gaze is cast at her feet while shifting on her weight uncomfortably, looking so anxious.

"Chaeng?" I tried calling for her attention, worried and confused with her sudden peculiar behavior.

She looks up, but not meeting my questioning gaze. And instead, she glances at her mate as if asking for help. To which, Jisoo reciprocated with an encouraging smile; reaching for my best friend's nape to give her a kiss on the lips.

I cleared my throat.

"You can do it" Jisoo whispered encouragingly, giving her a swift kiss for the second time before she turns to me with pursed lips, her eyes darting from Jennie to me.

"You guys need to talk, calmly. I don't want to see any traces of blood in here, more so a dead body"

It was all she said, giving my shoulder a pat or two before making her way inside our room, engulf Jennie, who was still frozen, in a hug, and push me lightly just so she could slam the door close to my face.

I was left dumbfounded by her actions.

With furrowed brows, I turn to an anxious Chaeyoung who still refuses to look at me. "What's going on?"


"You're making me nervous, Chaeng. Is there something wrong?"

I gulp, my nervousness going berserk as she nodded, biting her lower lip as she fidgets with her fingers relentlessly.

I knew something was off, I could feel it - her mate's stoic expression, her radiating anxiousness, unusual quietness, and peculiar behavior. I just turned a blind eye to everything as I could feel something bad is going to happen. My instincts and wolf kept on nagging me inside of this thick skull of mine, but I completely ignored them.

Everything's going to be fine, right?

Chaeyoung took a deep breath.

With a deep breath, Chaeyoung ejaculates rather nervously. "IcapturedJennieandalmostkilledher" 

I didn't catch a thing, except for the word....

"Jennie? What about my mate?" I asked, completely oblivious.

"She had deprived me of a father, and my mother of a mate" She stated with a hint of bitterness in her voice.

For a second, I thought we were finally over this after talking and working it out with no violence breaking out.

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