Chapter 45

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Jennie's POV

An extremely contagious virus, I was treated like one yesterday. The feeling was similar to that of a winter season - cold yet a must to bear. Mostly because majority of the idea and plans were concocted by me.

Discussing with a pack of wolves, I wasn't sure if their attention was on me or somewhere else. And they could not be blamed as we are all taught to never listen to an enemy.

But witnessing how they have executed the plan so smooth and natural gave me the warmest of feeling, like how a teacher would feel watching their students succeed.


Three simple words yet powerful enough to make the predicted happen. It is occuring as of now— began not so long ago, and yet, blood and corpses are flooding the surroundings already.

Vampires had appeared as back-up as Lisa and her people shifted to their wolf forms, armored with metallic protective gears that basically shields their head, neck and back from any silver weapons and wolfsbane-filled syringes.

But we too got ourselves our own back-up;  Irene, with her mate.

I know, I know.... they weren't as powerful compared to the hundreds of vampires that were brought by my uncle. But, atleast they came as promised, using her magic to help us deal and somehow make the weight of fighting the vampires even.

It was an actual uproar.

The air is filled with different sorts of yelling and shouting, one that would've bring pleasure and satisfaction to my old self. Other than the clashing of weapons and thundering projectiles, the cacophony consists of deafening enraged shouts, fearful cries, painful agony, and lamentations.

But all sound seems to vanish with every accelerating action I take, fighting off those who have the courage to pick me as their opponent. Yet, no one seems to last as they are all amateurs. Three minutes was the longest I had, and I haven't even break a sweat.

"Unnie, focus!" I stab the hunter at his back as he stalks forward to my cousin, who barely has her attention set on the fight between she and the vampire, unaware of the fact that she was about to get impaled by a machete at her behinds.

As I finish off her opponent with a metal silver stake, I grip her shoulders and shake the hell out of her.

"But Rosé—" Utterly worried, Jisoo took another glance at her beloved mate, who chose to fight in her human form instead of her wolf form.

"I have trained with her, unnie. She's better off in her human form"


Jisoo wasn't able to finish her sentence when Lisa threw her body towards a hunter, whom we didn't notice was going to attack us. She trap his head between her mighty jaws, and pulled them off his body in mere seconds.

She then turned to us with a growl, which I assume as her telling us 'less talking, more fighting'

And so, we did.

Countless of lives, I took them within seconds with no remorse. Desperate to bring this war to an end. I was exhausted— fatigue gradually taking over my body, but the adrenaline and desire keeps me going.

I slash the stake across a vampire's neck and an excess amount of blood spurted out, spraying across my whole face. It has stung my eyes, distracting me for a brief second.

Wiping them with my arm that is also coated with blood, I look up and blink away the sting.

And that is when I catch a glimpse of my uncle's figure, standing alone behind the railings of the pack house's rooftop. A nonchalant expression displayed across his face as he watches the war occurring below like some kind of a movie. All that is missing is a bowl of popcorn.

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