Chapter 8

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Jennie's POV

The blaring upbeat music booms as the people here and there let out the beast in them. Some were probably here to drink or to get laid. Get their mind off things that keeps on bothering their heads. Perhaps some good old breakups or something while the others were really just here to have some good time, celebrate their success, and blow off some steam.

I chugged my tenth shot, hissing as the bitterness of the alcohol passes down to my throat. I then turned away from the bar and watched as the multi-colored dance floor gets filled with a bunch of men and women, dancing the night away like there's no tomorrow. Others were already grinding their sweat-filled body unto others.

On the darker side of the club, I can see others, hungrily eating each other out. Not minding the lustful stares that they were receiving. I looked away and chugged down a shot or two. I was already tipsy but I still ordered another two bottles of alcohol.

I was about to down a shot when Jisoo unnie, my cousin, stole the glass away from me. I didn't mind her at first and decided to just chug the whole bottle down. But again, she grabbed it away from me and shook her head no.

"Come on Jendeuk, let's go home. You had enough" she said sternly. But I was maybe a little drunk to take her seriously.

"I never had enough. No one's going home!" I shouted as I tried to snatch back the alcohol.

She massaged her temple before sitting down next to me. "Look, I know it's your parents' death anniversary today. To remind you, my uncle and aunt. I didn't forget it okay? I just don't want you drinking, you know how you get when you drink" she calmly said before gulping down a bottle.

"Hey, that's mine! Buy your own!"


Lisa's POV

"Hey! Psst...wake up" someone whispers

At first, I tried to block out the irritating noise and continued my unfinished peaceful slumber. But then everything became quaky as I felt my body being constantly shaken. I slowly peeled my weary eyes and rubbed the sleep away. I then let out a slight yawn as I stretched my limbs.

I suddenly realized that I wasn't in a cage but in a car together with two other people that was intently staring at me like creeps. Then the sudden memory of me escaping hits me with a bang. Right, I am free, no longer captivated.

I broke my short trance and peered out of the window car. Shock crossed my face, my mouth dropping open slightly and my eyebrows rose in surprise as I eyed this vast mansion upfront. It was a sight to see if only it was daylight. But sadly the moon was still up making me wonder about the time.

"It is still 2 am. It's better to continue your sleep inside" The witch answered as if reading my mind. We three made our way inside with me following the couple behind. We soon reach the second floor with rooms that are plenty enough to let a whole neighborhood in.

Irene then led me to a guest room. "Okay, so our room is just adjacent to yours. If you need anything, let us know" I smiled then nodded before thanking both of them for helping me. And without wasting another minute, I laid down and continued my sleep.


I was snatched away from my deep sleep when I felt a cold metal pierced through my skin. My eyes shot open and I let out a deafening scream. Jerking upwards as I cradled my wounded leg. I quickly withdraw the metal knife, not minding the blood oozing out.

I pointed the knife to the masked suspect, ready to lunge forward when she stealthily exits the room. I hastily jump out of bed and limped towards Irene's room. I knocked and knocked but no one answered. I twisted the knob to find it unlocked. I took a peek to see one sleeping figure on the bed and I knew right away that it was Seulgi. I sniffed the air only to catch a faint smell of Irene.

Where could she possibly be at this hour? I decided to look for her myself. My wolf already on full alert just in case the trespasser attempts to attack us again. I sneak towards the outside to find the car still in its original position. But the car keys were dangling in their place like someone had just been there.

I quietly entered the car and sat on the driver's seat to retrieve the keys. When the masked figure suddenly landed in front with the knife in her hand, squishing the nose of the car. The female figure then punched the windshield and lunged towards me. The knife pierced through my chest and my vision started to blur. I caught a glimpse of her when she brought her mask down.

"I-Irene?" Blood pooled down from my mouth and everything went black.


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