Chapter 41 (M)

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Lisa's POV

With Jennie grasping my collar tightly and my arms wrapped around her slim waist, we reach the bedroom in a blink of an eye, lips never separating still.

I felt as though, I were in a furnace about to combust from the added heat. The more she stroke and touch, the more I crave.

By instinct, I tried to pull her shirt up, wanting to feel more of her bare soft skin against my palms. But, she nips my lower lip, causing my knees to weaken and loosen my grip at the hem of her shirt.

If it weren't for the support of her strong arms around my hips, I would've fallen on the ground.

But, I have fallen for her instead.


Lifting me up with ease, she leans into my ear and whispers. "Not so fast, Manoban"

Abruptly, I was pushed lightly onto the bed, taking me by surprise. I bounce slightly and haven't even got the time to react when, Jennie immediately hovers upon me with her seductive feline eyes piercing straight at me, biting her lower lip as she sways her hips rather sensually.

All the air was sucked out of me and for a second, I couldn't breathe nor move. Enthralled and captivated by her seductive beauty.

I need her now.

With slow sensual movements, Jennie gently runs her hands on my legs towards my slightly bare tummy, before grasping the hem of my shirt. And in one swift move, it was pulled off of me and thrown somewhere else.

Jennie leans in once again. Her mouth inches away from my ear. "Let me pleasure you for tonight, baby"

She whispers, sending goosebumps all over my skin. I shiver as she nibbles the shell of my ear, her unoccupied hand playing with my now hardened nipple. My core pulsates.

"Please do so" I breathe out.

Without further ado, Jennie takes my mound in her mouth, teasingly circling her tongue around my hardened nipple. And with her left hand, she plays and fondles the other. Stimulating both my breasts equally.

I grip the sheets tightly in pleasure.

And as she was done with my breast, she starts to rain my ribs with light kisses, proceeding down to my stomach and lower region. Then, she stops.

I whined at the loss of her touch.

"Tell me what you want, baby"

I instantly grab her hand and place it on my throbbing channel. "I want you to touch me, make love to me"

She presses her hand against it, adding pressure. "How much?"

"More than anything" I was too damn desperate.

With a satisfied smirk, she rips my shorts off and strokes my wet slit. "So wet for me. Are you sure you're ready?"

I bob my head, eager.

She quickly gave me a kiss on the lips before averting her attention to my south. Eyes glued, she pulls my underwear and went near my folds.

I shut my eyes in anticipation.

I felt her sniff before her tongue made in contact with my core, taking slow long licks like that of a kitten before stopping as it reaches my clitoris. I moaned.

"So sweet"

I shiver at the warmth and buck my hips in response, wanting more.

Jennie then wraps her mouth around my bud and started sucking, making me moan several times at this new tingling sensation.

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