Chapter 40

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Jennie's POV   




I yelled to keep the pace stable as I noticed that despite having good and keen skills, stamina was lacking, causing the energy to drain quickly rather than slowly.

"You sound like you're having a good fuck, Jendeuk"

"Shut up"

I glared at a certain woman who dared to interrupt me, and still has the audacity to smirk even if she knows she's going to be waving to death itself tonight. 

"Okay that's good, you may rest for ten minutes" I told Lisa's trusted warriors as they seemed to be having a hard time cooperating with their lungs. Their hearts almost wanting to abandon their exhausted bodies as I may have gone a little too hard with their training.

"This is hell!" Nayeon collapsed on the ground along with the other three, still panting heavily. A bottle of fresh cold water in their hands as they bathe in their own sweats.

"I'm seeing stars, I think I'm in space" Taehyung chimes as he pours water on his face, a thousand droplets trickling down, soaking his already sweat-soaked shirt, before letting himself crash on his mate's lap.

"Hot" Jungkook mumbles, eye-fucking the man on his lap despite panting like a horse.

With a slight chuckle, I made my way over to my spectator cousin and sat beside her. Grabbing my own bottled water as I wipe the sweat off my face.

"You really need to get laid tonight, girl. Look at you, stressing over things that aren't worth stressing for" She says as if it was no big deal, eyeing me from head to toe.

Gulping some water, I choked, spurting the remains unto her shirt.

"Aish! Now I'm wet— not my pussy, okay? My shirt, my shirt's wet" Snatching a towel, she wipes her wet p— s-shirt.


She wipes her DRENCHED SHIRT.

"Unnie~ Can't you last a day without the mention of sex?" I whined.

"Where did the Jenduek who can't last a day without sex go?"

"Got deprived of pussies for ages by none other than me, she died"

A display of hilarity and incredulity appeared on her face, lips tight shut as she holds herself from bursting out into a fit of laughter.

"Don't tell me....." She chortles.

"You haven't done it with Lisa, have you?"

I shook my head no, sheepish. "Sort of"

Then, she burst into a fit of laughter, clutching her belly. "And here I thought you ravished her on the very first day"

"She declined, wanting pain more than pleasure" I say, abashed. Wincing at the memory of having the pleasure of hurting her.

I shudder.

"Aish! She's still a virgin, unnie, I wanted her first to be special" Pouting, I hit her arm over and over again until she stops laughing.

Wiping her tears, she caught her breath. "Lisa did really change you for the better good, you're doing great"

"She's very special to me, unnie. I am willing to do anything for her, even if it means by risking my own life for her"

"But you don't have to stress yourself over this matter, just take a break for a while"

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