Chapter 21

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Lisa's POV


That is what she gets for drinking a hell of a lot of alcohol.

Now I'm here in her kitchen, cooking some porridge for her; perfect for her hang-over and fever.

Though, it's my first time cooking alone for the last three days without any supervision.

My first day of cooking was a disaster. I was cooking a simple dish for the first time; an omelet. But I set the kitchen on fire and almost burn the whole mansion. Ever since then, Irene was always on my side whenever I cook. 

But thankfully, it was a success today, though, I may have a number of cuts on my fingers.

But it was all worth it.

"Jennie?" I call, patting her shoulders gently.

"Hmm?" She stirs a little with her eyes still close, half-awake.

"Wake up, you need to eat" And she surprisingly complied, drowsily sitting up as she rubs her left eye, yawning.

How cute.

As I place the tray of food on her mini table, I held the spoon up to her mouth, encouraging her to eat.

But she only stares at the spoon. "I have hands you know"

"Then would you rather eat by yourself then?" I lower the spoon, handing it out for her to take. But again, she just stared at it.

"Can you just eat with me? Here?" She scoops some soup and held it to my mouth which caused me to grab her wrist gently, just to stop her from shoving it in.

"Jennie" I took the spoon. "I would gladly eat with you. But this is yours"

"What about yours then?"

"I'll go get them if you eat this one for me" I held the spoon again and she gladly took a bite, slurping the porridge in one go.

And that's how our morning went. No fights, no dramas, no negative energy between, just two not-so-normal beings having a normal and peaceful breakfast as if we never did despise each other.

Like friends alike.... or maybe something more than that.

"I'm so full~" The cat-eyed girl complains, whining while tapping her flat stomach as she finishes two bowls of porridge.

We are now laying on the bed with Jennie using my chest as a pillow while my chin rests on her head as I play with her hair, limbs tangled together.

"Lisa?" She calls quietly while her finger nervously traces my scar marks around.


"I think its working"

"What's working?"

"Your revenge" She quietly whispers

"My revenge?" I repeated, pretty much taken aback. 

"Isn't this your revenge? Your g-going to abandon me?" She asks just like how an innocent child would; asking, not because they don't know it, but rather for confirmation.

In Jennie's case, she was asking because she knows the big probability of me leaving her, once the wall that she kept on building over and over again breaks once more.

And I hate it- I hate that I don't know what to do.

The literal weight on my chest disappears as Jennie sat up and sighs dejectedly. Her face that was light and soft just a minute ago, was now replaced with such coldness. She was back- the old Jennie Kim is back with her terrifying aura, orbs blank and void- void from any emotions.

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