Chapter 24

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Lisa's POV

"Come on Nini! We're almost there!" Enthusiastically shouts a young wolf, as she runs towards a location, pulling a certain someone with her.

"But Lili, alpha Marco will be mad if he finds out I'm not in the cell" Argues a very beautiful human who's only a year older than me.

"We'll just be quick. Plus, I won't let my father do anything to you anymore"


Out of breath, we made it to the top of the hill, hand in hand. Under the one and only tree, we sat side by side as we gaze at the sky with awe, amaze at how the once blue sky is now an orange hue.

Upfront, we watch in utter amazement as the sun sets for the day and how the full moon rises high for the night, illuminating its light down to us as the stars, one by one, twinkle at the night sky.

"This is truly wonderful" The young feline leans her body against mine, resting her head on my shoulders.

"You know what's even more wonderful?" I lean my head against hers. "... you"

She then lets out the most beautiful chuckle I've ever heard, feeling her hot breath on the crook of my neck that sends a tingling sensation on my skin.

Weird but it felt good.

It made my tummy feel funny and my heartbeat in an unusual rhythm.

What is it about her that made me feel this way?

All I know is that she is different in a way that makes her like this - special.

"I wish we could stay like this forever" I snuggle closely, drawing her closer for an embrace.

"Too bad we can't" I heard her sigh dejectedly.

"Don't worry Nini" I rub her shoulders for comfort.

"If I become alpha, I'll make sure that we can be together without living in fear. I'll protect you."

"You would do that?" She looks up with her glistening feline eyes, gazing at me with hope.

"Of course! Just promise me one thing Nini"


"Promise me, you'll stay strong for me. Don't leave me because of our current situation, okay?" I raise my pinky finger.

"I... I promise, my Lili"

She locks her pinky finger with mine as she looks at me straight in the eye, flashing her signature gummy smile.

My favorite smile.

"And I promise you too that I'll do my best to end my father's doing... my Nini"


That memory

It was one of the good memories that I had long forgotten.

It was the night before the tragic event happened.

And I had long buried it along with the other memories, for the sake of having the strength to endure every physical pain inflicted by those men who captivated me.

But now, it was all coming back - rising from its grave like a zombie that is eating my brain, consuming my mind.

Now I finally remember my human friend.

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