Chapter 18

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Lisa's POV

These past days were a bit of a roller coaster ride, especially for the new Jennie Kim that I'm seeing. She was more fragile than ever as if she is a shell that could break any moment if touched.

She was emotionally unstable, like what Irene said. One moment she was fine as if nothing happened, perfectly hiding her emotions when she was outside facing the world. But as soon as she was alone, she would go back to her vulnerable state, sometimes bawling her eyes out for hours until she fell asleep. Or sometimes she would just sit on a corner, hugging her knees as she emptily stares at the wall.

I witnessed all of it because I was beside her every second. And it crushes my heart just every time.

But at least when we're home, Jennie would clutch to me as everything depends on it, crying her heart out while I held her closer, only when she allows me to. And I love it, not the state that she was in, but rather the way she depends and uses me for comfort. It's like, little by little she was subconsciously letting me in her life.

That is an improvement, right?

But still, there are times that she would push me away, just like now.

"What are you doing?" With an eyebrow arched up and arms crossed, she eyed me up and down as if I did something wrong.

"What?" I ask innocently. "I'm coming with you"

"No you're not" She roughly closes the back door of her car which I just opened a while ago.

"Jennie" I started, opening the door once again. "We've been doing this for a week. Why don't you want me to come all of a sudden?"

"Because-" Her eyes darted around as if she was thinking of something to say. "Because you kept on distracting me"

My lips curved up into a teasing grin as my mind replays how Jennie would steal glances at me from time to time. Sometimes, it wasn't even glancing anymore- it was more of staring already. But I let her be if that's what she wants. In fact, she could stare at me all the time, I won't mind.

I fake a gasp. "How could I, a girl who is just quietly reading at the corner, distract you, Miss Kim?" I say a bit too dramatic that kind of irritated her a little.

"Just because!" She huffs, stomping her way around and in the car.

I quickly enter her car before she can drive away. "Hey, hey, how can I know what to do if you won't tell me the reason?" I continued my teasing.

She grunts in annoyance and steps on the gas, hands tight on the wheel as she drove a bit too fast for my liking, scaring the life away from me. "Alright, alright, I'll stay outside your office!"


"Fucking Hell!"

"I-I'm s-sorry" A young and fresh employee squeaks as she bows repeatedly, her hands that were holding the now empty cup are visibly trembling and sweaty.

Jennie, obviously with boiling blood, crosses her arms and faces the employee like the boss bitch she is. "Is that how fucking greet your boss?! By pouring a cup of hot coffee as soon as she steps in the building?!"

 "Is that how fucking greet your boss?! By pouring a cup of hot coffee as soon as she steps in the building?!"

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