Chapter 12

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Jennie's POV 

"Stop staring and get your asses back in training!"

Though, who wouldn't stare at a woman who just suddenly barge in unannounced; clothes painted in red and brown blood looking like a complete mess with an unconscious werewolf on her back?

No one.

Okay, let's get this over with.

The faster I get my motives done, the faster I can leave this horrible place. The place where I grew up and constantly spent my childhood training and fighting. The place where I least wanted to be.

The facility

Scowling, I stomped my way through maze-like halls and into my cousin's office; some guards preventing me from barging in. Several more guards came approaching, surrounding me and basically trying to get a hold of me.

Keyword, trying

So far, I've managed to knock down ten guards, all-out cold on the ground. Don't even ask me how I did it. More and more guards came to check out this whole mess and decided to join the party.




I kept going while constantly glancing at Lisa at a hidden corner; kind of getting tired with every minute but glad to be able to work and test my skills in fighting after several years. Though I'm getting a bit rusty, but a little practice and work-out can bring me back to shape.

"What's with all this commotion!" A man in his late forties; an older male resemblance of none other than my beloved cousin, finally came out of his shell after all this.

Shock was evident across our faces as we stared at each other wide-eyed.

The atmosphere turned utterly silent. So silent that you can literally hear the rumbling sound of the air condition and the ragged breathing of each individual. The guards were standing straight and still as if nothing happened a while ago.

"Ah Jennie, my dear niece, what a pleasant surprise. What pleasure do I owe to get a visit from the leader of the hunters, who happened to leave and disregard her own duties as leader?" He mocked, smirking as he spread his arms widely and engulf me in a fake hug.

"Where's Jisoo and why are you here?" I whisper sharply, angered by his unexpected appearance.

"Jisoo is.... gone. As her father, I will now take her position as second in command"

"What are you s-" I tried pulling out of the hug but he only tightened his grip. As I began to struggle, a white handkerchief was placed across my nose and mouth. I didn't dare to breathe and struggled more.

"Stop struggling and just.... AHHH"

I kneed him somewhere below the belt, causing him to loosen his grip and moan in pain while I free myself. I do one thing that is best in this kind of situation.


I ran towards where I hid Lisa's body, dodging the men who dare to block my way. But as if luck wasn't on my side, a hand got a hold of my left foot, tripping me. Then several guards pinned my petite body and forcefully placed the handkerchief on my nose.

Without much of a choice, I gave in. The drowsiness quickly spreading throughout my system as I lay still on the tiled floor; weakly watching my uncle's boots nearing, with my cloudy thoughts only wrapped at that one person.


My eyes fluttered close against my will, feeling the heaviness of my eyelids. Then everything went blurred to black as I drifted off to dreamless slumber.

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