Chapter 25

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Jennie's POV

Loud thumping footsteps echoes throughout the woods as everything beneath gets roughly crushed. One would almost think that a giant was making its way across the place.

Well apparently, it is indeed a giant.

A gigantic white wolf, whose height reaches half of the human body, is running at the speed of light, carelessly making its way through countless trees as the only goal in mind is to reach a certain location.


And there's me, stripping the silence that lingers around the woods, startling every creature here and there as I screamed at the very top of my lungs.

A scream of terror.

Clinging unto her for my dear life as I do my best to steady myself on her back. But I was far from steady, almost impossible as I may say.

With her extremely fast pace, even with my arms wrapped around her neck and hands clutched tightly unto her fur, my body continues bouncing on her back with every leap she takes.

It felt like riding a horse, minus the saddle and gears that'll keep me upright. She was ten times faster, making it a hundred times scarier than the real shit.

As soon as the sight of the spectacular falls came to view, relief washed over me as I thought she would finally stop and put me back on the ground.

But I guess I was wrong.

Instead, she fastens her pace even more, if that is still possible, before taking a very big leap that sends us high off the ground, almost flying.

"AHHHHHHH" I couldn't help but scream some more as the feeling is much worst than an airplane descending down. We, however, are falling STRAIGHT down.

Our bodies then slap the water, creating an enormous splash as we got plunge very deep into the icy water, so deep that I felt the rocky bottom of the falls at the tip of my toes.

I quickly swam back up to the surface and into the shallow part, sitting on one of the huge rocks as I tried catching my breath.

Everything happened so fast!

I roam my eyes around, trying to find a certain wolf but found no one. The nervousness creeps in as soon as horrible 'what ifs' started popping out.

"Nini!" But it all disappeared when a woman with wet bangs arises in the water with only her heading popping out, waving her long arms at me.

I hastily swam towards her, smacking her in the forehead right away. "Had fun scaring me?"

"Ouch!" Lisa cradles the spot where I had hit her. "Why'd you do that?"

"Ask your wolf" I hiss.

"Oh come on~ she's just messing with you" She tried to give me a peck on the cheek, but I pushed her jaw away.

Lisa then traps me between her hold, clinging to my body like a koala, preventing me from swimming away. So instead, I splashed a good amount of water on her face. She did the same and thus, starts our water fight.

Our bath at the falls is undeniably fun, mostly for the fact that I was spending it with my Lili, making me feel things that seems to bring out a grin on my face. We were all smiles as we played around the water, teasing and making fun of each other, as what we normally do back in the day.

And now, we are exhausted.

"Do you really have to work today?" She asks for the nth time.

"Yes, now come on. There are spare clothes in the cabin" I walked off but Lisa still remains underwater.

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