Chapter 36

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Author's note:

Okay, so before we begin, I just want to make it clear and for ya'll to know that I don't hate Jennie Kim just because of what I keep on making her go through in this fanfic. I repeat, this is a FANFICTION - a story with my own plot. I had Jennie to go through those stuffs because, first, she's one of the main characters beside Lisa. And second, I find her more fitting in taking up the role of a pyscho with a messed up life rather than being a werewolf alpha.

So please, don't misunderstood this as me hating on Jennie, okay? I love blackpink and I can't and would never hate on them.

I hope I made that clear. Peace✌


Jisoo's POV

Life isn't always butterflies and rainbows as to what everyone seemingly thinks it is. 

Or so the new Jisoo Kim thinks it isn't.

Night and day are the same, I see no difference. No matter how lively the people can be during daytime, it always seems like everyone was fast asleep or.... dead. The rainbow that rarely peeks in the sky has drained of color, even the said butterflies' wings.

Life has drained of its colors.

I see nothing but black and white, dull and tedious.

As another day cracks, when the moon once again gives way for the rising sun to shine its dazzling light down to earth, I am handed again yet another twenty-four hours of silent nothingness.

My eyes flutter open and the silence of the bedroom greeted me for the nth time of the week. And again, I was reminded of that very day.

To wake up remembering nothing was the most terrifying thing I've experienced in my life.....

So far.

As far as I can remember.

The 'second' life that was given to me, made me start anew like of a newborn baby— not exactly.

No memories, no knowledge of my own identity nor any of the things that had happened before ending up on a hospital bed, severly injured.

I was diagnosed with retrograde amnesia.

It was scary—

To open my eyes just to see myself in an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar person; a creepy and strange man sitting on a small sofa, head resting on his hands and a slight smile displayed across his face.

His eyes were looking far beyond the wall, gazing at something he himself could only see within his own mind.

He was proud of himself, I could tell. His eyes showed it all.

But what is it that he is proud of?

Why do I care?

Who is he anyway?

Why is he in my room?

Before my mind could process many more questions, a pressure blossoms inside my skull. It felt as if something was squeezing my brain into a pulp, forcing it to drum against my head.

It felt like bursting.

I clutch my bandaged head, eyes tightly shut as I try to ease the pain. But it only made me dizzy, the pain only aggravating with every second passing.

I cried in pain and started to thrash around around the bed, slamming my head on the pillow repeatedly to somehow alleviate the throbbing pain. But it didn't.

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